Is Your Body Language Pushing Men Away?

body language


Is Your Body Language Giving Men the Wrong Signals?


body languageYou can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

It was my friend Ron who first brought to my attention the vibes our body language give off to men.

One day we were at lunch and he said to me, “Turn around and look at that woman over there who is sitting with a guy. I bet she loves having her neck kissed.”

I asked him how he could possibly know this about her.

He said, “Lisa it’s so obvious. When she talks, she puts her hand under her hair and on her neck.

Without realizing it she’s showing him she likes having her neck touched.”

Every time you’re with a man or he’s with you, each of you is giving off signals that you might not even be aware of.

I want to share some of these with you because once you get this . . . it’s like having a behind the scenes playbook for knowing whether or not he’s into you.

So let’s start with leaning in when you’re talking with a man.

This tells a man you’re warm, friendly and interested.

That’s because when we like someone, we have a subconscious tendency to lean in towards them.

Also tipping your head towards him signals the same thing . . . I think you’re pretty interesting and I’m starting to like you.

When you pull away or sit way back in your chair, in essence, you’re telling a man that you’re turned off and not interested in him.

Want to know if he’s interested in you?

If you’re standing and talking, look down to see the direction his feet are pointing.

If they’re pointing toward you . . . it’s a good sign that he’s into you.

His feet pointed away from you is a pretty good indicator that he’s not going to ask you for a second date.

And when he’s standing with one foot pointed towards you and one foot towards the door, he’s done and ready to go.

When you’re on a date, don’t cross your arms or put your purse directly in front of your body.

It gives off the vibe of being closed off.

If his arms are crossed, it’s likely he’s either closed off or protecting himself in some way.

When this happens, try leaning in towards him.

This is the signal for letting him know you’re interested, which may cause him to drop his arms and open up to you.

If he continues the date with his arms crossed over his chest then chances are this date is heading nowhere.

Use an exit strategy and move on to someone whose body language shows you he’s into you.

Don’t invade his space by sitting too close when you first meet unless he invites you into his space.

Ever been in an elevator where someone got a little too close to you?

It feels like someone is trying to invade your space and that doesn’t feel good with strangers.

The space between 5 and 18 inches is considered the intimate zone.

It’s a great space to be in when you’re in a relationship and you want romance and intimacy.

But when you’re just meeting someone stay a little more than an arm’s length from them unless they give you signals via touch or a kiss to come in closer.

Matching body posture makes a man feel like you understand him.

When he leans in, you lean in. When he pulls back, you do the same.

But a word of warning here . . . don’t match any man’s aggression or anger.

Touch is another way to say you’re interested.

When a man tells a story and you agree with him, lightly touch him on the arm.

It’s a way of saying you understand without using words.

Most people like touch and respond to it in a positive way.

That’s because touch feels good and makes the person being touched feel special.

And we all love feeling special . . . right?

Now to inspire you that love is possible for you too!

I’m dating an amazing man!

Lisa . . . Your teaching had a profound effect on the way I dated over the last two years. I have used your advice in countless interactions with men. Met (by text and in-person) many different men. Some were very nice and some not. Dated one potential partner for 6 months until thanks to what I learned from you, I finally realized that we were not matched in three important areas. Now dating an amazing man. We are the same age and activity level. We match intellectually, emotionally and physically. We are taking this relationship very slowly, building what I believe Could be, May be, Hope is, a long term committed relationship. Thank you for your help, guidance and support as I committed to the effort of meeting my guy. Angela, Texas

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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