Is your energy pushing men away after 50?

is your energy pushing men away after 50


Is Your Energy Pushing Men Away After 50?


is your energy pushing men away after 50You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Recently I received a letter from a woman who told me nothing was working in her dating life.

No one was interested in her.

No one was interested in her friends either.

They, like her, were experiencing loneliness and a lack of contact with men.

She and her friends in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s felt invisible to men.

It doesn’t have to be this way at all.

The problem is most women think finding a good guy is about having the right profile and picture.

Your profile and pictures are important but getting a great guy actually starts within you and the mindset you have about men and yourself.

So what does shifting your mindset about men and you mean?

It’s so easy to get caught in the type of rut I described above.

If your friends are having trouble getting dates, instead of looking at themselves . . . the finger gets turned around and pointed at the men out there and their behavior.

It’s not about the men you want to meet.

It’s about you and how you feel about yourself that makes the difference.

Yes men are attracted to your physical appearance.

It’s how they’re wired from the caveman days of mating with women who could produce strong children that could survive the brutal elements.

What you may not know is that men are also attracted to your energy.

You give off a vibe that men can feel from your profile picture, in emails the two of you exchange, on the phone or even when you meet.

When it comes to dating, there are two types of vibrations you put out into the world.

I mentioned the first already and that is how you feel about yourself.

When you feel beautiful both inside and out, men can sense this and are attracted to you.

By the way, your Inner Glow enhances your outer magnificence and makes you even more attractive to men.

To get that inner fire glowing, you’ll want to really look at what you love about you.

Let’s start with your physical qualities.

Sometimes it’s hard to love your body as you age.

To turn this around, you’ll want to shift your mindset to one of gratitude for what your body can do.

For example, a lot of women don’t love their arms but can have gratitude for them because they use their arms to hug the people they love.

Next rediscover your passions.

Think about the things you’re good at or the activities you’d love to try.

I always wanted to paint so I took classes in both watercolor and acrylics.

My friends and even some of the men I dated back then would tell me my face lit up when I talked about the colors I had fun playing with.

This so called “lighting up” is what men are so drawn to in you.

The second type of energy is about the mindset you have when it comes to men.

A lot of women think women reside in those masculine bodies they’re interested in.

They don’t!

Men think totally differently than women.

And this can frustrate you to no end if you don’t speak the language men can hear or understand.

This misunderstanding can lead you to male bashing.

If you’re talking negatively about men with your friends, I guarantee this downbeat energy shows up in your energy field and pushes men away.

If you come from a mindset that men are fun and really cool in their own way, your energy field gives off this vibe instead, which again draws men towards you.

Good men are interested in women our age.

The secret is learning to love ourselves so we can allow the men we want to meet to love us too.

It is possible to meet is your perfect match!

When I met Lisa and began her “Love after 50” group program, I was 73 years old, over 6 feet tall and had not dated in many, many years. I saw these all as real obstacles to finding a relationship. To my amazement, the man I found, while working with Lisa, in addition to having every single quality I was looking for in a partner, saw these as assets! As a widower, he had not dated in many years, he loves tall women and never lets me forget that he is 2 years younger. I believe that we found each other because of Lisa’s guidance helping me get really clear on who I wanted, fine-tuning my profile to reflect that vision along with having access to all of tools that she has created for the program and her personal guidance. Unsure and very hesitant to start dating again, she was my perfect match for making this happen in my life! Heather, New Jersey

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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