My 3 Top Dos and Dont’s for Women Looking for Mr. Right After 50

My 3 Top Dos and Dont's for Women Looking for Mr. Right After 50


My 3 Top Dos and Don’ts For Single Women Looking for Mr. Right After 50

You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Don’t do this . . .

A big obstacle to finding love in your 50’s, 60’s and 70’s happens when you’re NOT putting yourself in places where you can be seen and found by available men on a DAILY BASIS!

Men can’t find you when you’re hiding at home every night.

I know it feels great after a long day at work to snuggle up with a good book, your fave TV show, or your cat or dog for some unconditional love.

But you need exposure to men, whether in person or online, and it’s not happening if this is your nightly routine.

No one is going to know you’re even available and even worse, they can’t find you.

Do . . .

Start going out at night and on the weekends.

Go to restaurants with one friend. Men are there on weeknights.

Take classes that men might like as well. A great example is golfing.

What man doesn’t love improving his golf swing and now they can do it year-round at indoor and outdoor driving ranges.

And pickleball. Lots of men playing every day.

The thing is single men are everywhere.

All you have to do is make sure you’re in places where the two of you can meet.

Don’t . . .

Have a vision that is too narrow when it comes to the kind of men you are willing to date.

Ask most women what they want in a man and a type similar to Richard Gere’s character in “Pretty Woman” comes to mind.

He’s rich, sassy, and has a heart.

He’s gorgeous but he’s also a made-up movie romance.

Do . . .

Stay open to dating all kinds of men with all kinds of looks, backgrounds, and interests as long as they are economically self-sufficient, meaning they can hold their own and won’t be financially dependent on you.

Of course, it’s nice to think of having a rich handsome man sweep you off your feet but what you really want is a man who is going to be there for you through the ups and downs of this journey called life.

That man is a keeper!

Don’t . . .

Give up on dating after one or even five bad dates!

There is no doubt about it, without the right skill set and support in place, dating can be hard.

That’s why I teach women all the time how to create a Dating Blueprint.

It gives them a clear vision of their next step for finding love in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Just remember you don’t have to take a giant step to get out of dating frustration.

One baby step forward can inspire and motivate you to keep moving forward toward your dreams.

Do this instead . . .

Dating has a learning curve just like every new endeavor does.

Be persistent and consistent by having a plan in place for meeting quality men.

Have fun meeting new and interesting men.

If they aren’t a romantic interest, consider making them your friend.

And instead of quitting when a date goes bad, chalk it up as being one man closer to the “One”  you are looking for.

He’s out there waiting for you!

If you’re not sure what your next step is then let’s set up a Complimentary Find Your Mr. Right Breakthrough Session to talk about how finding love after 50 can happen for you.

Just take a minute to tell me a little bit about your dating journey by clicking here then we’ll send you a link to my calendar to set up a time for you and I to speak.

Now to inspire you that finding a good man is possible like Jeanne did in her 60’s . . .

I am thrilled to say I found him, or we found each other and it is going great! I have to say, he is nothing like the guys I was in relationships with in the past. That Pattern Chart exercise was so helpful and pointed out some poor repeated behavior choices that I set out to change or avoid this time around. That along with learning how to rephrase things in MAN language and remembering I can be a flirty girl made a huge difference in dating. I learned so much and put it into practice and it worked! I couldn’t be happier! Got to go now and get ready to go see my guy!!! Thanks for all the support Lisa! So, very happy!!! Jeanne, Wa.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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