The #1 Tip For Finding Love after 50

Black woman looking out the window- finding love for women over 50


The #1 Tip For Finding Love after 50 – And it’s not what you think!

Black woman looking out the window- finding love for women over 50

You can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

If you’ve ever wondered why you’re not meeting great guys to spend time with, I’d like to share something with you.

Things like having a great profile, knowing how to flirt and where to meet men are very important steps on the dating journey you’re taking.

These skills are a big part of what I teach in all my coaching programs.

But they are not the most important as I’ll explain.

Most women believe if they just had the right body or lived in a particular city or had more men to choose from, the man and the relationship would be so much easier to find.

I know, because I’ve been closely observing, teaching and championing unhappy single women over 50 for quite a while.

And here’s what I’ve discovered: Your level of dating success isn’t really about your looks or your weight.

If you want to know the truth, it actually stems from your confidence in yourself that gets hindered by the fears and limiting beliefs you may have about yourself and the men you want to date.

And most importantly . . . whether or not you feel ‘good enough’ to get the type of man you want.

Your confidence is the ONE single thing that determines your level of success or failure in dating.

When you have a mindset of self confidence, your results get transformed, often overnight, and this translates to big breakthroughs in the number of good men who contact you and how many dates you go on.

Today, I want to give you 2 simple tips you can start using right away to boost your confidence that will give it a major jumpstart.

The first is . . . you want to develop a knowing from your deepest core that you are a GREAT CATCH. And by the way . . . you are!

Here’s how you can get in touch with your AWESOME SELF again.

Make a list of 20-30 things you are proud of about you.

These can go back to when you were a kid all the way up to today.

We have a tendency to forget what we’ve done in our lives so this is an opportunity for you to celebrate you and all you’ve done.

Can’t think of 20?

Ask your friends and family what they love most about you or what they see you as being good at or passionate about.

You’ll be surprised by the loving things they say and along with the list you’ve come up with on you’re own, you’ll have a great start to boosting your confidence.

The second step involves taking yourself and your list then standing in front of a mirror. I know it sounds funny but this works.

Share with the beautiful woman in the mirror (who by the way is you) this sentence . . . I want to tell you about a great friend of mine who I’m so proud of.

Then share with her the 20 things you are most proud of about yourself.

Saying the words out loud is what makes this such a powerful exercise when it comes to remembering just how AWESOME you really are.

And it really will help jumpstart your confidence which is the number ONE trait that will attract a good man to you.

If you’re having a hard time finding your confidence when it comes to dating, men and relationships and you’re ready to do something about it, reply Yes to this email and let’s set up a time to talk about how we can you back on track for attracting, meeting and keeping the amazing man you’re destined to be with.

Now to inspire you that love is possible for you . . .

Working with Lisa helped me meet my guy

I am so glad I became a member of Lisa’s Love After 50 Coaching Group because I needed help. I listened to the modules, came on the group calls and using what I learned along with Lisa’s support ended up meeting my guy. In the past, I would have passed him up if I hadn’t had my Quality Man Template. I also learned so much about men and understanding who they are that has helped me be in a successful relationship. Lisa, you are just a wonderful coach. You unlocked the key for me about men that got me the amazing man I am now sharing my life with. Maryanne, Ct.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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