The 15 Best Do’s and Don’ts for Posting Pictures On a Dating Site After 50

The 15 Best Do’s and Don’ts for Posting Pictures On a Dating Site After 50


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They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

This is so true, especially when it comes to online dating sites and apps.

Men are visual, which means to get your profile noticed online, you need a great picture.

It’s why I created a list of picture-taking do’s and don’ts just for you.

It’s the first step to getting noticed by the good guys online.

#1 . . . DON’T post pictures where a man needs a magnifying glass to see you.

I don’t care how beautiful that mountain is behind you.

If it takes up more space than you do, don’t use the picture. 

#2 . . . DON’T wear clothing that reveals too much.

A little cleavage is acceptable but showing three-quarters of your breast covered only by a small piece of material is not okay.

When you do this, men think you are looking for a sex partner, not a relationship.

#3 . . . DON’T post pictures with your friends.

How many times have you seen men post pictures with 3 of their closest friends?

I bet you started wondering which one is the guy who wrote the profile?

And how often did you wish it were the guy’s friend posting the profile because he was better looking?

Men do the same thing when you post pictures with other women.

Do yourself a favor and only post pictures of you!

#4 . . . DON’T post pictures with other men, even if he’s your son, brother or father.

Believe it or not, men think it’s a man you’ve dated in the past or are still involved with.  

It’s a turn off so don’t do it.

#5 . . . DON’T take selfies.

No one likes seeing someone’s toilet in the background or the camera covering half your face in the mirror.

#6 . . . DON’T post pictures with your animals and grandchildren.

They may be cute but believe it or not, they are seen as competition for your time with men.

#7 . . . DON’T post pictures that make you look mad, sad, or indifferent to life. 

I know you may be wondering who does this?

But . . .  believe me when I tell you that lots of women do.

And when a man sees a picture like this, he thinks . . . NEXT and moves on.

#8 . . . DO know that men are visual creatures.

The first thing he will look at is your picture, not what you’ve written in your profile.

That means you want to post a great picture of you that catches his attention as he’s scrolling through the dating site.

#9 . . . DO take a picture that shows your best assets.

If it’s your legs, be sure to show them.

If it’s your waist, show that.

You want to grab a man’s attention with what is great about you.

#10 . . . DO know that you have 10 seconds to get a man’s attention. 

Make your picture count!

#11 . . . DO post at least 2 great pictures of you: a good headshot and a full body shot.

When you only post headshots, men think you’re hiding something you don’t want them to see.

And often that’s exactly what you’re doing.

I know you’re probably figuring that once he gets to know you, it won’t matter.

Believe me, it does matter in the sense that it makes him question you and your honesty. 

He’ll think, if you’re dishonest about this, what else aren’t you telling him?

Be honest here because, in reality, you want a guy who accepts you for exactly who you are.

#12 . . . DO hire a pro or ask a friend or one of your kids who is camera savvy to take photos for you.

The advantage of a professional photograph is they help you stand out from everyone else on the site.

Just make sure the photographer does minimal retouching and that you look like the person in the picture.

That being said, mobile phones take pretty good pics so it’s worth asking someone who is photo savvy to help you out.

#13 . . . DO wear clothing that makes you look and feel your best.

You take a better picture when you are feeling like the amazing woman you are.

And when you smile and say “Cheese”, act as if you’re looking into your guys eyes.

The emotions come across in your pics.

#14 . . . DO post recent pictures.

I admit it’s nice to look like you’re 40 again but there’s something wrong when a guy has to call you because he can’t figure out who you are at the Starbucks where you’re meeting.

#15 . . . DO SMILE! Men are naturally drawn to pictures of women who smile.

Your smile makes you glow and gives the impression that you are fun and positive to be around.

This is so attractive to the men you want to meet!

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and I have 3 quick tips to make it fun for you. 

Tip #1-Do something special for you. You deserve it!

Tip #2-If you don’t have a date, see if one of your friends is available to do something fun.

Tip #3-So you don’t spend another Valentine’s alone, get online tonight or tomorrow night and post some great pics. Men are lonely too!

It is possible at 73 to meet your perfect match!

When I met Lisa and began her “Love after 50” group program, I was 73 years old, over 6 feet tall and had not dated in many, many years. I saw these all as real obstacles to finding a relationship. To my amazement, the man I found, while working with Lisa, in addition to having every single quality I was looking for in a partner, saw these as assets! As a widower, he had not dated in many years, he loves tall women and never lets me forget that he is 2 years younger than me. I believe that we found each other because of Lisa’s guidance helping me get really clear on who I wanted, fine-tuning my profile to reflect that vision along with having access to all of tools that she has created for the program and her personal guidance. Unsure and very hesitant to start dating again, she was my perfect match for making this happen in my life! Heather, New Jersey

Ready to have your love life be different?

If so, let’s set up a time to talk about how you can make it happen.

Just click here to get started.

Wishing you an early Happy Valentine’s Day. 

Believing in you!!!!!

Big hugs ~


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