These 12 New Year’s Resolutions Can Help You Find Love After 50 in 2023

These 12 New Year's Resolutions Can Help You Find Love After 50 in 2023


2023 is only days away.

If you’re ready to find a great guy in 2023 to play and share your life with then these 12 New Year’s Dating Resolutions are an awesome beginning for making this dream come true.

Start the year by doing something nurturing and fun for you.

These 3 ideas can help you get started . . .

  • Sign up for a class that sounds like fun whether it’s pickleball, an art class, or a Yoga class you’ve wanted to try. It will give you something to look forward to in the cold months of winter.
  • Do some retail shopping therapy while the sales are happening and indulge in something that makes you feel amazing.
  • Treat yourself to a spa day and really pamper yourself.

By nurturing you, you’ll feel better and look better, stoking the fires of your inner glow that men are so attracted to.

Resolution #2

Come up with a Dating Blueprint that’s going to help you figure out where you’ll find the types of men you want to meet.

Here are 3 ways to get you started . . .

  1. Online Dating
  2. Meeting men in real life –  whether it’s at the grocery, the book store, or even a meet-up.
  3. Asking your friends if they know of anyone who might be a great match for you. (You have to remind them at least once a month.)

Resolution #3

This year, go on a date with the intention of finding out something new and interesting about a man you’re meeting — and see where it takes you.

It will take the pressure off of having to figure out if he’s “the one” in the first 15 minutes.

Snap decisions about men can lead you to miss out on a good guy!

Resolution #4

Get clear on the Patterns of Men you have dated in the past.

This is your old type.

If he was right for you, you’d be with him today.

My clients create what’s called a Quality Man Template to figure out who their new type is.

It’s fun to do and can totally change your ability to find love at this time in your life like it did for Lisa.

I am so grateful to have created the Quality Man Template in Lisa’s Coaching Program. This was the key tool to helping me realize that the man I’m now with is the one I have been looking for all my life. I’d have missed him without it! Lisa, Minnesota

Resolution #5

Rediscover your flirting skills.

Smile and talk with men everywhere you go.

Men love when you smile.

Your eyes twinkle.

You really want to get comfortable interacting with men and it takes practice, practice, practice!

Resolution #6

Men are visual creatures.

They are initially attracted to you on a sexual level and given half a chance, they will try their best to have sex with you ASAP.

Instead of being turned off by a man’s advances, understand this is his way of letting you know he’s into you!

Honor yourself and set sexual boundaries that feel comfortable to you.

The time to have sex is when YOU are ready.

Resolution #7

This year, instead of telling yourself “I love who I am but . . .” work on accepting yourself as the one-of-a-kind, magnificent, lovable woman you truly are!

Resolution #8

Give a nice man a chance this year.

Sometimes it can take 3 or 4 dates for the chemistry to click between the two of you.

A man who might not be so cute on date #1, can seem like Richard Gere by date #4, once you’ve gotten to know his personality.

My client Liz loved “Drama Kings” and nearly passed up the love of her life because he was nice and in her words “BORING.”

She gave him a chance and is now married.

You can listen to her story by clicking here.

Resolution #9

This year, find at least 3 activities you would love to try.

Here are 3 reasons why:

  • Activities bring out your inner passion and stoke the inner glow I mentioned earlier.
  • New activities give you something fun to do, versus sitting around thinking about the guy who hasn’t called you back or winked at you online.
  • You just might meet a great guy or make a new friend doing something you love to do.

Resolution #10

If 2023 is the year you want to find the guy and the relationship you’ve wanted, then get help like Ginny did.

You can hear how she went from shy to the most amazing relationship by clicking here.

Resolution #11

Periodically remove your profile from a dating site for a day or two.

You’ll be considered “new” when you go back on.

And guess who gets noticed first by men on the site . . . the women who are “new” to the site.

Resolution #12

This year, don’t quit or give up on dating!

If you do, you will be right where you are today . . . hoping and dreaming about a great man, versus having a real one you can share your heart and life with.

Let’s make 2023 the year you attract the right man into your life!

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Believing in you!!!!!!!!

Copyright© 2022 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.
