This ruins a single woman’s chances of ever finding love after 50

This ruins a single woman's chances of ever finding love after 50


This ruins a single woman’s chances of ever finding love after 50

Recently, a client of mine shared this story with me.

She was putting on makeup and instead of seeing her inner and outer beauty in the mirror (we all have it including you!) all she could see were some new lines that seemed to have popped up out of nowhere.

Unfortunately noticing those lines led her to start looking for other lines and before she knew it, she was on a downward spiral seeing not only the negative aspects of her face but also her body.

To make matters worse, as she backed up to get a better view in the mirror, she saw a tiny piece of wallpaper that had come away from the wall.

While trying to push it back into place she noticed the window next to her sink was dirty.

At this point, she’s feeling critical of everything and everyone including herself and the friend she’s supposed to meet for lunch.

The second she sees her friend, she’s pissed off.

Her friend looks amazing which leads her to feeling insecure thinking she looks dowdy and old. (She is beautiful – this was all in her mind)

This is a mindset downward spiral – and we all have them from time to time.

But, when you do this online looking for Mr. Right and don’t know how to get out of it, it can keep you single and alone.


Because when you’re feeling crappy about you, you end up finding fault with every man on a site.

You’ll have thoughts like . . . .Nope, this man is too old or Nope, this man is not my type.

Or Nope, he’s not cute or Nope, he’s too young.

Sound familiar?

I saw this negative dating mindset work in real life with a friend of mine.

My friend had been having a lousy week at work.

Her boss was constantly micro managing everything she did which left her constantly second guessing herself.

We met for Happy Hour on a particularly bad day for her.

Over dirty martinis and appetizers, she tells me she’d been online but her belief was there were no decent men on any dating sites.

I suggested we take a look together.

She was more than happy to prove her point.

So she pulled her phone out of her purse and started showing me all the awful men hanging out on a dating site.

I was surprised because I saw some really nice men but when I pointed them out, she couldn’t see a single one she’d be interested in.

She truly believed that all men on dating sites had some imaginary fault so she wasn’t going to waste her time on any of them.

This type of mindset will keep you alone for the rest of your life.

Here’s why….

The outside world is a direct reflection of what you’re feeling inside and when you’re not feeling great about yourself, you’re not going to feel good about any man you might meet.

So how do you get out of this Debbie Downer mindset that can keep you alone forever?

For sure, stay off dating sites when you’re not feeling like the amazing woman you really are because you won’t be able to see good men.

Instead, take care of yourself and get grounded again in what an amazing catch you really are.

Get back in touch with your passions in life and start to recognize once again what you have to offer in a relationship.

And nurture you.

Give to yourself during this time because you need it.

By doing this you’re allowing yourself to receive from you and it will help you learn how to receive the good things men truly want to give you.

And when you’re ready to go back online, be sure you’re feeling good about you because then you’ll be able to see the good men online who have the potential to offer you what you want in a relationship.

You’ll find the more you practice the mindset of looking for the positive in yourself and in others, the more it will pay off in dating and attracting the love you want with a good man at this time in your life.

You’ll be able to see him like Kathleen did!!!!!!

He proposed!!!!!

Lisa, thought I’d give you an update. We traveled to the UK for our 1 year anniversary and I came back with a new piece of jewelry. He proposed. It was a complete and utter surprise. I wasn’t looking for marriage when I started dating again but this guy convinced me otherwise.

I don’t know how to say it for these ladies who want to find love to understand but I was not looking for marriage (technically I wasn’t even interested in marriage) and it is happening.  They need to listen and do exactly what you are saying. Even if they don’t find the relationship they want right away, using your info made my dates so much fun even when it wasn’t a match. I would say besides speaking in men’s language, the thing that I feel made the difference was that I was not desperate for a relationship and just enjoyed the night with someone new.

One of the things my guy said a while ago after I asked him the question….:”What do I bring to the table for you?”.  His answer: “your heart”  I’m thinking that’s…..WHAT LISA SAID!! :))

This has been quite a journey and I want to thank you for helping, advising and encouraging me along the way. You really are good at your job and I don’t say that lightly. I am so in love.  Thanks, Lisa  Kathleen, Texas

Would you love having a good man in your life like Kathleen now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!





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