This Tip Works for Meeting More Quality Men After 50

men over 50 in a line


This Tip Works for Meeting More Quality Men After 50

men over 50 in a lineYou can read the blog below or watch it on YouTube by clicking here.

Recently I was working with a client who happened to live in my area and as we were scrolling through pictures of men, I noticed a familiar face.

This man had contacted me over 15 years ago using the same picture.

I recall giving him the name…. “KFC Man.”

To this day, I remember exactly where I was and why I gave him this nickname.

We were talking on the phone while I was walking my dog in the park.

It was fall and the leaves on the trees were gorgeous shades of gold, orange, and red.

I remember the smell of the earth and the crispness in the air.

And I remember “KFC Man” jabbering away about how he didn’t care what a woman looked like as long as her body was fit and toned.

As I’m listening to this, I’m thinking, “Is this guy for real? Does he think this trait alone will make him happy?”

I was mad that someone could be this narrow-minded so when he asked about my body type, I told him my aide wheeled me up to the ‘KFC’ counter every day for my daily dose of fried chicken.

None of this was true but I could tell my words shocked him because for a full minute he went silent until I finally said, “Just kidding.”

10 years later, there he was…. back online-probably because no one could meet his stringent expectations of what would make him happy.

By the way, I know how frustrating it can be to go back on a dating site after a relationship has ended and see the same guys with the same profile and pictures that you saw posted years ago.

It makes you start thinking there are no good guys even out there to even date.

Here’s a little secret you may not know . . . there are a lot of really good guys on every dating site but chances are you can’t see them.

That’s because like the ‘KFC man’, you probably have a type of man you think will make you happy.

And like most women I speak with, chances are your type isn’t interested in you online.

But the guys who aren’t your type, write you like it was their job, right?

Well,  here’s something I want you to think about . . .

If your type had worked in the past, wouldn’t you be with him now?

You’re attracted to your type because he feels good to you, as he should because chances are you’ve lived with this type of man your whole life.

He may show up with a different job or different clothes but let’s be honest here, basically, you’ve probably been dating the same type of man over and over again with the same disastrous results.

The question is . . . how do you get out of this pattern?

You do what I call ‘Out of the Box’ Dating.

You try dating different types of men.

At first, this will take you way out of your comfort zone, so you’ll want to start slowly by changing only one of the qualities you usually look for in a man; maybe someone who has a different type of job, lives a bit further from you or is a little bit older or younger than your usual type.

By doing this, you open up the doors to good men who could be a better fit for you and who want to truly make you happy in a long-term relationship.

One last thing . . . I am so excited to share an email I got this week from one of my Love after 50 Group clients.

Hi Lisa,

I wanted to let you know that thanks to what I learned in your Love after 50 Group Program, and my genuine desire to be in a committed relationship, I have met a wonderful man and we are madly in love with one another!!!

We have been exclusive for about 9 months now and going strong. The funny thing is that on our first date I wasn’t really that interested in him but I remembered what you said about giving it a chance and to have an open mind.  

Boy am I glad I did because as it turns out he is the perfect man for me and we are very compatible on love, friendship, and physical level.  I am amazed at how I was able to attract a man who fit my description/desires from my online profile to a tee!  

I have to say that my life was pretty good before but it’s even better now with a loving partner to share every day with.  Please feel free to share my story as I’m sure it will be inspiring to my sisters seeking their perfect mates. Pat, California

Would you love having a good man in your life like Pat now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

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Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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