Two Important Reasons Why He Might Not Call You Back

Two Important Reasons Why He Might Not Call You Back



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#1. You Don’t Match the Picture In His Head

Do you carry a specific picture in your mind of the man you’d like to spend the rest of your life with?

Most of us do so it shouldn’t be surprising when I tell you men do as well.

In fact, when a man contacts you, it’s because he believes that you and the picture in his head just might be a match.

The two of you spend hours on the phone.

He starts talking out loud sharing thoughts with you like, “We’ll have to get you out here on one of my horses,” or “Let’s try out the latest Japanese restaurant in your area since you love sushi so much.”

His picture is working overtime, thinking you might be the one and you get excited thinking maybe he’s right for you too!

Then the two of you meet.

And within minutes he’s decided you aren’t a match to the picture of the woman he wants, so the second date doesn’t happen.

When this happens, don’t take it personally.

He’s not rejecting you.

You just don’t match the picture in his mind of who he thinks he wants.

This is why you want to limit the number of emails you exchange to 5-10 max and the time you spend on the phone to 1 or 2 calls max prior to meeting a new man.

You don’t want to get yourself emotionally invested in an imaginary relationship with a man you have yet to meet.

#2. You Have Sex With A Man Too Quickly!

You meet a man, the chemistry is hot and as the date ends, the two of you start kissing and kissing and kissing some more.

Hands start roving all over the place and you find yourself in the back seat of the car having sex with a man you’ve only known a couple of hours.

You’re both on fire.

In this moment, it feels good and it feels right.

When it’s over, he kisses you and says, “I’ll call you” but he doesn’t.

Why? The sex was too easy for him to get.

Men categorize the women they date into two groups.

The first is the women they play with, as in first date sex or friends with benefits situations.

It’s easy sex, it’s fun for him but that’s all it is.

Then there is the second category, the woman he considers as potential relationship material.

This is where he thinks the two of you might be a match.

So if you want to make it to category number two, promise yourself, even when your hormones are raging, that you’ll slow it down.

There are all kinds of reasons men don’t call back… Some are as silly as a mannerism you display that reminds him of his ex.

Save yourself a lot of date analysis and evaluation by not taking a first date personally and by not being invested in how it’s going to turn out.

If it’s meant to be, it will be.

And if it’s not, chalk it up to an opportunity to spend some time with a new and interesting person that day that might make a great male friend on Saturday nights when you don’t have a date.

Now to inspire you that you too, can find love after 50!

Lisa . . . Just a note to say thank you. Your teaching had a profound effect on the way I dated over the last almost two years. I have used your advise in countless interactions with men. Met (by text and in-person) many different men. Some very nice and some not. Dated one potential partner for 6 months until thanks to what I learned from you, I finally realized that we were not matched in three important areas. Now dating an amazing man. We are the same age and activity level. We match intellectually, emotionally and physically. We are taking this relationship very slowly, building what I believe Could be, May be, Hope is, a long term committed relationship. Thank you for your help, guidance and support as I committed to the effort of meeting my guy. Angela, Texas

Would you love having a good man in your life like Angela now has?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him?

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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