Use these secret tips to make finding Mr. Right fun and easier after 50!

Use these secret tips to make finding Mr. Right fun and easier after 50!


Use these secret tips to make finding Mr. Right fun and easier after 50!


Dating in your 50’s, 60’s and 70’s shouldn’t be so hard.

But if you feel like it is, you’re not alone.

The “dating is hard mindset” comes from the belief that dating is something you must endure to get what you want versus the idea that dating can be fun and something you enjoy as you are seeking Mr. Right.

If you’re like most women, you go on a date with the intention of trying to figure out if he’s the one before you even  finish a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

You end up interviewing a man to see if he checks off all the boxes on your “must have checklist.”

This type of date is like going on a job interview and truthfully is boring.

Plus, Date Interviewing puts a lot of pressure on you when you’re trying to figure out if a man is right for you in 30 minutes or less.

This is an impossible task that ultimately leaves you feeling like there really is no one out there to date.

Yet there are millions of good men and good women looking for partners every day, so what’s going on?

Why can’t men and women find each other?

Most people our age are dating like they did in their 20’s when women were looking for the right man to make babies with.

They are making decisions based on that intention whereas today as a woman in her 50’s, 60’s or 70’s, you have way more options for how a man might fit into your life than you did when you were younger.

He can be  . . .

  • a companion for events like weddings and office parties
  • a committed relationship with a man you live with
  • a committed relationship with a man who lives in his home and you live in yours
  • a friend
  • a lover
  • a boyfriend
  • or a husband
  • or lots of 2-7 year relationships you enjoy until you outgrow each other.

Today, you have so much freedom and choice that you didn’t have in your 20’s. 

And when you adopt this mindset change for over 50’s dating, it will free you from the outdated way of only dating to mate for a husband.

So how do you date when you’re dating for fun or for a relationship?

Instead of asking the ‘Dating Resume Questions like what’s your job, how many kids do you have, etc., try asking fun questions like . . .

  • What was your favorite game growing up?
  • What was your favorite TV show growing up?
  • What was your favorite music growing up?

Nostalgia types of questions create a bond and probably lots of laughter as you share memories you both can relate to from your childhood.

These types of questions give you a glimpse into a man’s personality which can make him far more interesting and a lot more fun to be around.

The other reason dating can make you feel so miserable is when you’re going out into the dating world looking for a man who has what I call . . . Perceived High-Value Qualities.

These are specific qualities you want in a man you think will make you happy. . . . like he has to be fit, or eat a certain way, or he has to have a particular type of job and income.

A fit man may look good but it doesn’t mean he’ll make a good partner for you.

The guy with the belly who could stand to lose a couple of pounds might be the guy who could light up your life every day and make you very happy if you give him a chance.

Instead of just using qualities as the sole basis for finding someone, think about how you want to feel around a man when you’re with him.

Because ultimately, you want to feel happy inside when you’re with the man you do choose.

And that has nothing to do with how he exercises or eats or any other must have quality.

It has to do with how he treats you.

So now you have some fun questions to ask and you know you have choices in the relationship you want at this time in your life.

What the next step you’re going to take to find love after 50?

I asked this question to Lani and here’s what her step was.

I was dragging my feet on dating after my divorce. I kept finding reasons not to date and I was really scared that it would be impossible for me to find the kind of man I could fall in love with at my age. Lisa really helped me take charge of my dating experience – she taught me how to focus on what kind of man I wanted who would make me happy and how to get out there and find him. It really helped me feel more confident and I found the best!!!!  Steve and I now have a home together. Thanks to working with Lisa, I found love in my 60’s with an amazing man who loves, adores and cherishes me!!!!!   Biggest thanks to you for your amazing guidance in your Love after 50 Group! Lani, New York

I’d love to help you find love after 50 like Lani did.

Just reply YES to this email and I’ll send you the details for how we can connect and talk about making this happen for you.

Believing in you!



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