Use these Top 20 Dating Tips to Find Love after 50

heart puzzle with missing piece


Before we get to today’s blog, just wanted to make sure you saw my email on Monday about the upcoming summit with Antia and Brody Boyd. “Attract Your Right Guy” FREE Live Online Event Love these 2 and their summits are priceless!  Great coaches and great information.

I will be joining with over 20+ other world-class love experts giving you the goods on how to attract the man you want quickly as well as…

• The Secret To Create An Amazing Happy Relationship Of Your Own
Without Frustration  Or Rejection

• Quickly Manifest A Relationship Where The Man Is Eager To
Prioritize You In His Life For The Long Term

•  Attract The Man You Want To Share Your Life With & Have Him
Think It Was His Idea 
To Commit! End Heartache And Loneliness

• Eliminate Anxiety, Frustration & Desperation So You Can Finally
Experience The Type Of Relationship You Want
Without Worrying Or Feeling Insecure

and so much more. Click here to join the fun!

Now onto todays blog “Use these Top 20 Tips To Find Love after 50”

heart puzzle with missing piece 1. Put in writing what type of relationship you hope to find with a man – both short term and long term.

2. Be committed to spending time daily looking for your Mr. Right, whether online or in the real world.

3. Stop making excuses for not dating. Instead, just go out there and try it!

4. Realize the limiting beliefs you hold about who men are may be keeping you from finding the great guy out there who is waiting for you.

5. Understand there is a difference between what Hollywood teaches you about finding love and reality. Hollywood’s version doesn’t exist!

6. Don’t be overly perfectionistic about men. We all have flaws.

7. Figure out your deal breakers and only take men off your list of possibilities when they possess deal breaker qualities. Otherwise, give a good guy a chance.

8. Get out of your comfort zone and date men who are different than your usual type.

9. Be extraordinary! Show your best side when you date.

10. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right! Henry Ford said this about developing cars. It’s true for every aspect of your life, including finding good men and dating.

11. Stop having Shiny Penny Syndrome, thinking there is always someone better out there for you. You might miss great guys this way.

12. Never be married to an idea of who a man must be.

13. Know the current dating rules that will make you successful at finding love again after 50!

14. Don’t be too transparent on a first date by revealing all the good, the bad and the ugly about yourself. There’s a time and a place for everything.

15. Go from invisibility to Rock Star Visibility with a great picture and profile online!

16. Be Teflon-coated by knowing some men will like you and some won’t. Let it slide off you, knowing you are one man closer to finding the ONE you are looking for. Sometimes it takes kissing a few frogs along the way to find the one you want.

17. Every date is a learning experience and a chance to meet someone new and interesting.

18. Be courageous and go after your dating dreams.

19. Have a dating strategy in place for finding Mr. Right.

20. Be willing to get dating help and support from friends, family, a therapist or a dating coach. We are all here to help you make your dating journey a success!

And before you go, my client, Kathy took everything she learned in the Love after 50 Group Program and now she’s engaged . . . 

I’m engaged!!!!!

Dear Lisa…I wanted to let you know I’ve been dating an amazing man for 1.5 years now through COVID19 and we recently got engaged. The process and guidance you provided in your program was instrumental in me meeting him. He’s a kind, generous, adoring, adventurous, stable and amazing man who adores me every day. I don’t think I would have been prepared to meet him without going through your program, and believe me I didn’t always comply or agree with you but I did it anyway. Your program really works Lisa and it had all the tools I needed to find my guy. I’m 61 and believe that true love is an option for anyone. Kathy, California

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