What You Don’t Know About Attracting a Quality Man After 50

What You Don't Know About Attracting a Quality Man After 50


What You Don’t Know About Attracting a Quality Man After 50


Before we get to today’s blog, I wanted to share with you that my friend and colleague, Junie Moon, has put together some amazing tools to help you on your relationship journey – and I’m excited to be one of the expert contributors.

Her incredible Magnetize Your Midlife Love Giveaway is designed just for you, and I’m giving you My Best Dating Cheat Sheets as a part of it!

And if that’s not enough to get you to sign up, it’s absolutely FREE for a limited time only!

Click Here Now for Immediate Access! https://www.big-giveaway.com/a/2147518565/HZK7D9fg


Now onto today’s blog . . . The other day, my sister and I headed down memory lane and reminisced about a party we had where all the girls danced in front of posters of Davy Jones and Mickey Dolenz, while listening to “Daydream Believer” and “I Want To Be Free.”

Davy Jones, remember the crush you probably had on him back then?

He was so cute, wasn’t he?

How did you feel about Davy Jones (May he rest in peace) when he turned 60 and pictures both current and from when he was younger, were posted all over the internet?

Remember Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones?

So masculine, so cute and that long hair.

Google a current picture of Keith Richards.

Would you date him?

Or does he remind you of the men you see online who look like your uncle or grandfather?

When we go on dating sites, we often carry a mental image of a younger version of ourselves.

That’s because from day to day, we don’t see ourselves as having aged.

And with everyone telling us we look a lot younger than we are, it can be shocking to see older men staring back at us online.

A lot of women tell me that when they meet men our age, the zing of the attraction factor just isn’t there for them.

I believe expecting men to look and act a lot younger is part of the reason so many women over 50 struggle with dating.

An example of this . . .  one of my clients went out with a guy she thought was “eh” . . . but she liked his profile so I encouraged her to give him a chance.

And something amazing happened when she did.

Over time, I noticed her talking about how cute he was.

That’s because as you get to know a man’s personality,  a man can go from “eh” to handsome.

It’s why I encourage you to give nice men a chance.

My dad lived in an Independent Living Community.

I loved seeing the couples who had met there holding hands and even stealing a kiss from time to time.

They did not have the beauty of their youth yet they found someone to share this time in their life with.

That’s because they were clear about what they wanted.


Someone who is supportive.

Someone to laugh with.

Physical touch however that looks.

And they were happy.  You could see it on their faces.

I get that you have to feel some type of attraction with a man.

But also take a moment to decide what’s important to you when it comes to the Quality Man and relationship you want in your life.

There are good men out there who are worth dating that may not be the cutest guy on the block.

Skeptical about that sentence?

Think about this . . . do you want to stay alone the rest of your life looking for Mr. Handsome and that immediate zing?

Or do you want to hang with a really nice guy who grows on you and becomes more and more handsome and fun as you get to know him?

A man who makes you laugh holds your hand at the movies, and who is even willing from time to time to see a good chick flick with you.

Doesn’t that sound like a potential good match?

Next time, try giving nice men a chance and see where it goes.

Did you know that unlike other dating coaches, I only work with single women in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s?  Why?

Because dating after 50 is different than dating in your 20’s, 30’s or even 40’s.

And that’s why my goal is to give you the best over 50’s dating strategies along with great support because I want to see you find an amazing man to spend your life with.

So look…

If you want to attract a good man . . .

And you want it to be fun and easier doing it . . .

And you’re ready to go from single to part of a couple that has fun going to dinner, traveling, and meeting each others kids . . .

Then let’s set up a time to talk.

It’s complimentary, and it will be the BEST time you’ve EVER spent on your love life.

I guarantee it.

Believing in you!



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