What you don’t know about Over 50’s Dating

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What You Don’t Know About Over 50’s Dating

what you don't know about over 50s dating

Some women think to be successful at finding love after 50, all you have to do is post a good profile online and the right man will show up.

It’s true, men do show up.

Especially when you are fresh on a dating site.

But here’s the problem.

The men reading your profile and contacting you probably aren’t the men you’re interested in.

And the men you want to meet, well they just never reach out.

Sound familiar?

It’s really frustrating, right?

So why’s this happening to you over and over again?

What I’ve found is most women don’t realize they’re running what I call Dating Malware programs.

Now, you might be wondering what the heck is Dating Malware and how is it affecting you?

Let’s start with what Malware is.

Malware is a program that gets into your computer from opening malicious email attachments, suspicious downloads, etc.

You might not even know it’s there until one day, your computer crashes.

You call a service company and they literally have to exorcise the Malware to get your computer back up and running properly.

The same thing goes with Dating Malware.

On the surface, you’re excited to get out there and find the right man you can share your life with.

You go online . . . see some amazing guys but they don’t write to you.

Instead, the guy with no shirt writes.

Or the one who took a selfie with his toilet behind him reaches out to you.

At this point, you might be getting a little frustrated but you keep at it and start favoring the handsome guy with the great job who looks like he can treat you like a Queen.

When he doesn’t notice you, you decide to write to him.

Most men like to be the pursuer so it usually fizzles quickly even if he does write back once or twice.

What comes next is you starting second-guessing yourself with thoughts like . . .

  • Maybe I’m too old to find love (You aren’t! My clients in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s are finding relationships with good men every day)
  • Or men only like younger women (Not true. Women I work with are getting into relationships with men their age who are treating them like Queens)
  • Or no good men are online (They are! It’s where my clients are finding great men every day!!!!)

Statements like these are Dating Malware.

They are programs you may not even be aware of that are running just below the surface and this vibration is what keeps you from finding the right man.

When your mind is running a belief like . . .  “there are no good men online” then guess who you’ll attract?

Not so great men.

Most women don’t realize they’re even running these programs cause they are just under the surface wreaking havoc with your dating life.

But if you’re not finding the right man to share your heart and life with chances you’re probably running some Dating Malware.

How do you turn that around?

Become aware of the negative thoughts you have about dating.

Really look for the positive things in the men you meet.

Everyone has flaws.

And when you only focus on finding them, you can miss some great qualities and possibly a man who might be a great fit for you.

And have fun dating.

Recently, a client shared this thought with me… for years, she’d invested financially and emotionally in improving her business and personal life.

But when it came to dating, she always had the mindset that she should know what to do.

In case you were wondering, dating is actually a learned skill, not something you were born with.

Once we started working together, she told me that coaching with me was one of the best investments of her time, her energy and her money.

Why? Because for the first time, she was getting good results with men.

And once I showed her how to shift her dating mindset about men, it totally changed her dating life!

I joined Lisa’s Love after 50 Coaching Group because I needed help. I listened to the training modules, came on the group calls, and using what I learned, did a lot of mindset shifting, and ended up meeting my guy.  BTW – in the past, I would have passed him up if I hadn’t had my quality man template. I also learned so much about men and understanding who they are that has helped me be in a successful relationship. Lisa, you are just a wonderful coach. You unlocked the key for me about myself and men that got me the amazing man I am now sharing my life with. Thank you so much! Maryanne, Connecticut

Ready to change your love life and find the right man like Maryanne did?

Just CLICK HERE to get started.

Believing in you!



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