What You Need to Know About Dating a 50-Year-Old Man

The Zoosk Editorial Team


When you join a dating website or meet a prospective partner in real life, remember that age has become more and more irrelevant today. Seniors are living longer and enjoying a better quality of life than in past generations. Age really has become just a number. As average life expectancy has got older, a man who is 50 in 2020 can, according to averages, look forward to another 30 years of life to enjoy.

Age can be largely defined by someone’s perspective and attitude, and today 50 really can be the new 40! You have so many opportunities to meet singles and try different experiences, so what do you need to know when dating a 50-year-old man?

What It’s Like Dating a 50-Year-Old Man

I’ve been dating a 50-year-old man for almost a year now. Prior to this relationship, I spent a significant amount of time dating men in this age group. What you can recognize is that a man of this age exhibits some characteristics of Generation X and has many individual qualities worth your attention. Looking back, I’ve learned a 50-year-old man is tuned in to different things than he was in his younger days. Expect that he is:

Ready for his time

Men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are still proving themselves. Many are raising kids. This man is middle-aged, part of Generation X, may have had a mid-life crisis, and likes enjoying things that he missed while being tied down. He makes more time for his interests, but he’s still capable of making together time.

Less concerned about status and career

There were decades to worry about such things. He should have his finances in order, a home that is almost paid for and has time for exploring the dating world. His career, although it could be at its peak, doesn’t demand as much attention as when he was starting out.

Close to his family

He has had at least one long-term relationship. He might have close ties to his children and, possibly, to young grandchildren. These connections are important, but he believes his children are responsible for their own lives.

Thinking about retirement

 He may have 15 to 20 years left to work, but how much he earns and saves now will greatly impact his golden years. He may not pursue a relationship that requires changing employment or location if this is the case. He is financially wise and will splurge on special occasions and budget for his favorite things.

Slowing down

Physically, he can still do many activities and have intimate adventures, but he tires more easily. Some men in this age group seek medical assistance for their sex lives, but they are still interested and active. Be supportive and remind him, that you’re there to date the whole person he is. There are still many ways to enjoy a healthy sex life at this age, and much fun to be had.

Set in his ways

We’re all creatures of habit, but we have more flexibility in our younger years. The 50-year-old man can be attached to his routines, including mealtimes, how he spends days off, and grooming rituals. He may not go out on a weeknight if it will conflict with his bedtime or stay out too late on the weekend. He may embrace hobbies he hasn’t tried in decades, such as riding a motorcycle.

Romantic and loyal

If this man came out of a long marriage, he enjoyed the stability. He may still be friends with former partners. He needs to find himself as a lover. He may not want to remarry, but he could feel comfortable in a serious relationship. Although he might take his time to commit, getting to know him will help you understand his relationship goals.

Knows his preferences

At this age, he knows if he is best suited to dating a younger partner, someone near his age, or an older person. He knows what traits and values are important to him. He knows what kind of lifestyle he wants to enjoy. A man at this stage in his life, knows what he wants.

A more measured approach

He has had time to reflect on lessons learned from past relationships. If they had kids together and now there are grandkids, expect that they will always be connected. He’s not in a hurry to settle down, but it could happen if you aren’t hasty and let things take their natural course.

With age, comes wisdom

There are many things he has achieved or tried once. He is settled in who he is and he seeks substance. He may want to date someone with the same interests, but he’s really seeking someone who exhibits the key attributes he values and that are compatible with his life.

Dating middle-aged men present different challenges for men and women. A man of 50 feels responsible for kids, grandkids, and aging parents. It’s can be hard to be in the sandwich generation because it’s exhausting to help everyone. Let a mature man show you the characteristics that matter most to him. He may not be initially very open with his affections, but he could be your ideal match.

Dating a 50-year-old man, with his life experience and insight, can be a wonderful experience. Keep an open mind and see where it takes you.

