10 Cliques That Exist in Every Church

Did My Massage Therapist Go Too Far?


Have you ever noticed that close-knit group of moms who seem to do everything with one another? Despite having a handful of kids under five, they appear to have it all together. They make it to church on time, have a purse full of snacks for their kiddos, and always wear the perfect outfit. 

But what separates them from the rest of the moms is the fact that they seem to volunteer for everything. They participate in at least two Bible studies a week, volunteer for the elderly outreach, and cook dinner for the homeless shelter. They’re unstoppable alone, but together, they’re a force to be reckoned with. 

How to break into the clique: First, you need to be a woman with kids. (Sorry fellows!) You need to start signing up for things ASAP, as many as you can squeeze into your schedule. You might want to consider being a stay-at-home mom, too. And don’t forget about color-coordinating your family’s attire at least once a week. Bonus points if you include Fido.


Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/moodboard

