10 Little Habits that Can Lead to Divorce (and How to Avoid Them)

10 Little Habits that Can Lead to Divorce (and How to Avoid Them)


This is the number one habit that will drive your marriage toward the edge of disaster– living as if you have it all together, that you’re smart enough, or that you don’t need Jesus.

It’s interesting that most Christians have concluded that “I can’t do life without God,” yet many have a hard time applying that same revelation to their marriage: they want to be their own Savior. When life gets messy, when storms come, they run to a book, conference, or person for advice. They live, day in and out, without acknowledging their need for God, and then crying out for His presence to be tangible in their home and marriage. 

There is no one formula for a great marriage, but there are recipes for disaster. Letting these habits shape your destiny is dangerous.

Instead of succumbing to marriages best depicted as “mediocre,” let’s be the couples who rise to the defense of strong, Christian marriages, who proclaim, “it is possible” and, “yes! We are thriving”.

Father, help us to diligently work on establishing good habits in our marriages, that the world would look at how we treat our spouses and see it as a reflection of how you love your people. Your plan is to join two individuals and for them not to be separated; may this be our goal also. We want to see the divorce rate in the church plummet as we seek to honor you in our marriages and love our spouses well. 

Malinda Fuller and her husband Alex have served at several churches and para-church organizations in the U.S. and Canada for over a decade. Malinda wields truth and grace through the words on her blog and has also contributed content for Relevant, Thrive Moms and The Influence Network. Malinda and Alex currently reside in Southern California, where they are homeschooling their daughters, working in ministry and trying to not complain about the continuous sunshine.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash

