10 Love Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate in 2022

10 Love Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate in 2022


love affirmations

Love affirmations tend to program the brain to anticipate, envision and create lasting love in your life. Just focusing on your personal love affirmations for a few minutes each day can make a huge difference!  Your thoughts will shift in the direction of more optimistic perceptions, judgements and actions.

In turn, this tends to prevent dating burnout.  And it will ultimately will lead to creating more personal fulfillment, inspiration and the achievement of your love goals.


The best way to craft love affirmations is to think about soulmate love that is just right for you as a simple, imaginative statement created:

  • As if there were no limits
  • Regardless of your present life circumstances
  • Is large enough to last a lifetime
  • That brings you excitement
  • That fills you with heart-felt joy
  • Contains a spiritual element or acknowledgement


10 Love Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate

Your best love affirmation is a kind of deep seed thought that comes from your heart and has a spiritual component.  Here are 10 powerful love affirmations that contain both the heart’s longing and a call to the Infinite for support.  If any of these touches you or calls to you make a note of it.

  • Now open my heart to receive healing, uplifting joyous love that is blessed and just right for me.
  • I am deeply understood, fully appreciated and wonderfully cherished in forever love that feeds my soul.
  • Right now I feel a touch of heaven that leads me to love beyond my wildest dreams.
  • I have a surprisingly great, lasting soulmate relationship with a wonderful guy who completely cherishes me.
  • I courageously stay the course for lasting love that makes me happy and fulfilled in every way.
  • In silence I completely open to great love that is miraculous and totally fulfilling
  • I come to love today in the quiet of my heart, in the deep recesses of my mind.
  • Love is my holy certain goal… Soulmate love is already mine
  • In a surprisingly easy and effortless way I create great committed love with my Divine right partner.
  • The miracle of soulmate love is unfolding for me.

Love Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate: The Five-Minute Manifestation Miracle Exercise

First of all, create your desired love affirmation. Then follow the steps of the manifestation miracle exercise to make it activate!

Step 1. Say your love affirmation out loud.
Step 2. Say a fear, doubt or other reaction that comes up, but in an exaggerated way with feeling. This can include a feeling with no attached thought. for example, “I am sad!” Or it might be a sensation that comes up. For example, “I have a tightness in my chest, UHH.” Deal with only one reaction at a time. Do not explore your reaction; simply voice it ONCE as a single statement while you exaggerate the feeling of it.
Step 3. Repeat your love affirmation out loud.
Step 4. Say another (or the same) fear, doubt or other reaction that comes up, but in an exaggerated way. Your reaction may repeat itself, which is fine, or move from negative, i.e. “This is bullshit” to positive, like, “Maybe it could be true.” During this process you may also unearth new, liberating positive thoughts.
Step 5. Repeat your love affirmation out loud.
Step 6. Continue with the love affirmation/reaction oscillation until you reach an inner stillness and you feel like the love affirmation seems real, believable, even if just for a moment!

Love Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate: Suggested Daily Practice

Practice this exercise regularly. I do. And I can tell you that you can lift yourself out of whatever dark hole you find yourself in.
A more detailed description of this exercise is in my newly revised and expanded dating advice book Love in 90 Days.

When you get up each day, use the self-love affirmation, “I give myself what I want and need to be happy.” or “Everything I want is here for me.” Then, throughout the day, check in with yourself. Take your attention inward and get a sense of how you are feeling. If the feelings are not positive, take a moment to acknowledge them as OK, and then speak kindly to yourself.

If you are working on a demanding project, promise yourself a wonderful reward. Tell yourself how much you have accomplished and how well you are doing. Think about what little prize would make work more enjoyable. Heed the Bard’s advice: “Be to yourself as you would to your friend.”

And for additional help in creating the love affirmation that is right for you, I will personally buy you a session with one of my expert love coaches. 

It could change your life!

