10 Ways Grandparents Can Help Their Grandchildren Be Thankful This Thanksgiving

10 Ways Grandparents Can Help Their Grandchildren Be Thankful This Thanksgiving


In a world of constant comparison and upmanship, let your grandchildren know how grateful you are for who you are as a person. That you are happy to be you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you embrace all the little things, good and bad, that make you who you are.

Let them know they should feel the same and should never compare themselves to someone else. They each have a unique perspective, gifts, quirks, and idiosyncrasies that make them who they are, and they should never be ashamed of that. They may have things to work on; nobody’s perfect. However, they should always be glad to be themselves and with all they offer the world.

How to put into practice: Have them make a gratitude list of all the things they like about themselves.

Photo crredit: ©Getty/Monkeybuisnessimages

