11 Conscious Marriage Goals For A Stronger Relationship

Couple with conscious marriage goals


At Practical Intimacy we’re committed to keeping our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. We use only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

Benson, K. “The Magic Ratio, According to Science.” Accessed 24th August, 2022. The Gottman Institute https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-magic-relationship-ratio-according-science/

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Pew Research Center (2019) Marriage and Cohabitation in the U.S. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/11/06/marriage-and-cohabitation-in-the-u-s/

Townsend, S. S. M., Kim, H. S., and Mesquita, B. (2013). Are you feeling what I’m feeling? Emotional similarity buffers stress. Social Psychological and Personality Science. doi: 10.1177/1948550613511499. http://spp.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/12/16/1948550613511499.abstract

