21 Creative Ways to Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary

21 Creative Ways to Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary


“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10

Next month will be twenty-one years since I said, “I do” to my tall, spiky-haired blonde, blue-eyed heartthrob. Twenty-one years! That just seems so crazy to me. It still feels like yesterday, standing in a flower-draped gazebo on a windy day before family and friends pledging our love. 

How did we get here? How quickly the time went by!

As I reflect on years of the past and the sweet and special ways we have celebrated our love, from the monumental anniversaries to the mini celebrations, I must admit that God has richly blessed us. We have been fortunate enough to take some nice little getaways or head out to a romantic dinner. Thanks to the help of my parents, we took a trip to Hawaii for our ten-year wedding anniversary and renewed our vows on the beach. It was truly amazing and marked memories that will last a lifetime!

This past year for our twentieth year we had high hopes of venturing outside of the States to experience the romance of Paris. A place I had dreamed about since I was a little girl. We had been saving up for this trip for quite some time and made a promise that for our twentieth we would do whatever we could to celebrate such a monumental wedding anniversary. But, then life happened, and due to unforeseen challenges and tragedy that literally brought us to our knees with grief, those plans were put on stand-by. It’s still a dream and God willing it may happen, one day.

Throughout the years, we’ve had many highs and lows when it comes to celebrating our union, and we just try to make the best of it. There have been times that we have celebrated holding hands at a softball field watching our daughter, to times we have cuddled up to watch a movie, popping in a pizza at 10 o’clock at night. In other words, our anniversary celebrations haven’t always been so grand. But, we do our best to acknowledge the season that we are in and honor the vows we took to one another, aiming to recognize the blessing of another year together.

How Will You Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary?

Well, if you and your sweetie have that special day coming up, let’s discover some fun and simply sweet ways to honor your love and celebrate. It doesn’t always have to be a lavish trip or dining at an elegant restaurant. While those are nice and lovely gestures, there are so many creative ways that can fit within your budget and your family’s needs, while still fanning the flame of your marriage.  

Below is a list of twenty-one ways (yes twenty-one) to celebrate your special day. Some ideas are fairly lavish, while others are a little lower-key, but, it’s just a starting point to get your wheels turning. It’s also fun to plan these things together, as it builds anticipation. So, open your heart to your spouse and see what strikes their fancy, then go! Go and celebrate!

Rejuvenate with a Stay-cation. When you can’t venture too far, a staycation may be the perfect option. Reconnect and enjoy a romantic getaway close to home that won’t break the bank yet gives you time to let the stress of life go. 

Take a Cooking Class. Spice up your love by taking a cooking class. There is something simply romantic about preparing a meal together that forces closeness and brings excitement to try new flavorful recipes.

Book a Couple’s Spa. Ahhhh. Melt your cares away with a side-by-side couples massage. Let the aromas and release of everyday stress welcome in peace and tranquility.

Take a Road Trip. Family trips are fun, but when you travel with just your spouse, it opens up a segway to just enjoy each other’s company, and really focus on your marriage. 

Go on a Romantic Picnic. What’s sweeter than taking a picnic basket and blanket to a local park and enjoying a beautiful day – together? Yeah, I can’t think of too many things better than that either.

Renew Your Vows. This is usually saved for those milestone anniversaries but can be done any time really. Reclaiming your love is always important, and there are so many ways this can be done. You can share the special moment with family or friends or simply say your vows just the two of you. But do what speaks to your heart and what will capture the essence of your love story.

This verse is one you may want to share: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 

Take a Dancing Class. Dancing is a great way to draw in and get close to one another. It also provides ample space for fun and laughter.

Go to a Comedy Show. Laughter really is the best medicine, right? Some great Christian comedians to check out are Tim Hawkins, Jeff Allen, Leanne Morgan, Taylor Mason, or John Crist. 

Remember that “a cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22

Check out a Local Museum. Whether you are a history buff or into the arts, explore new things and find something that speaks to you both, then go check it out! 

Recreate Your First Date. I simply love this one! We have tried this a few times, and now the place where we met is no longer there, but it is still fun to take a trip back in time and go down memory lane. It opens up great dialogue and brings back those tender feelings. 

Write Each Other Love Letters. This simply sweet way to honor your marriage allows you to be both romantic and vulnerable. Two things that are needed in a marriage. Share your whole heart with your spouse and watch the sparks fly.

Sip up at a Wine or Coffee Tasting. Visit a winery or coffee shop and take a class to find what you enjoy and what meets your preferences. Toasting to your marriage while savoring your palate and tastebuds may rekindle the romance in your marriage.

As Ecclesiastes 8:15 says, “Enjoy life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad.”  

Play a Round of Putt-putt. Looking for more adventure and fun? Try your hand at a round of putt-putt. Let this bring out your playful side and maybe even add a little competition too.

Check out a Quaint B&B. A bed and breakfast are a great alternative to your average hotel. Not only do they usually have more of a personal flair while providing a delicious breakfast in the morning, but they tend to be pretty cost-effective as well. Bonus!

Replay Your Wedding Day. Bring out the scrapbooks, photo albums, and videos, and then… just reminisce. Share and talk about all those special memories that were created on your very special day.

Get Out on the Water. Get a kayak, go on a boat ride, or take a dinner cruise, but get out on the water and explore its one-of-a-kind beauty. 

Visit an Arcade. Tap into your inner child and hit up a local arcade and see who the real “gamer” is! This is always a fun way to see who is truly more competitive.

Go to a Drive-in Movie. There are several drive-ins across the country, but if you can’t locate one nearby, check out a theater that does dinner and a movie. They always seem to offer a fun and different experience.

Get Artsy. Take a fun painting class. Many places offer painting classes just for couples, so go on a double date or get to meet some new friends! Then bring home a personalized pretty picture to hang on your wall.

Get Out in Nature. Get off the beaten path and go explore a hiking trail or nature park that is nearby. Let it draw you closer together while seeing all the beauty and goodness of God’s creation.

Rent a Cool Car and Drive. Take that cool convertible out for a spin with “your date” and let the good times roll! Literally!

Well, there you have it, my friends! Twenty-one creative ways to celebrate your marriage. May these merely be a springboard to go off of as you find ways to celebrate your love in a unique way that reigns in your love story. May God richly bless you both as you grow more deeply in love and have many, many more years celebrating together. Happy Anniversary!

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8

Photo Credit: ©Andre Hunter/Unsplash

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

