3 Low Risk & High Value Ways

How to tell him I like him


That feeling you get when you like a guy so much that you can’t help but want him to know…

Hold your horses.

The first thing you need to do is to not actually tell him you like him with your words. 

It’s ok to like a guy. It’s more than ok, in fact. But it’s not ok – for your own future sanity and happiness – to act prematurely.

You need to tell him you like him in ways that are low risk and allow you to test him to see where he is at.

These ways also need to be perceived as high value to him.

Read my article on 6 Traits Of A High Value Woman (& 3 Traits You Must Avoid).

How to tell him I like him

How To Tell Him I Like Him? Do It In A Low Risk Way 

So what counts as low risk and high value? Two things:

  1. Your method needs to allow you to feel where his feelings are at first.
  2. Your method has to increase feelings of emotional attraction and emotional connection with him. Because it is these two things that add real value in a relationship with a man. 

Just before we get into the 3 low risk and high value ways to tell a guy you like him, there’s an important foundation principle you need to be familiar with.

It’s this:

Your success in all areas of life comes down to the quality of the questions that you ask. 

If you ask a poor quality question, you usually get poor quality answers.

So, the question of “how to tell him I like him?” is good for now – it gets the ball rolling so that you can start to search for answers.

But it actually won’t get you the highest quality answers. 

Here’s an example of a high quality question: “How do I make him feel emotional attraction and emotional connection for me, so that I never need to tell him I like him at all?”

Does that make sense?

If anything doesn’t make sense, make sure to leave a comment below.

If it does make sense, great! We’re about to help you tell him you like him in ways that achieve the aim of building emotional attraction and emotional connection, and satisfy your desire to tell him that you like him.

By the way, if you’re interested in exploring how to build emotional attraction with a guy, here’s an article on how to do that. 

Do you know the dark art of “High Value Banter” that helps you quickly weed out the wrong types of men and create emotional attraction with the “BEST of MEN”? CLICK HERE to learn how in this free class.

First Don’t Come Across Low Value

What’s “low value”? 

If you’re unfamiliar with this term, the easiest way to understand it is to think of it as behaviour that carries an energy of desperation. 


Most of the time, saying directly to a guy “I like you” is going to come across as low value. Especially if you have doubts about telling him altogether, and especially if you have to ask the question “how to tell him I like him”.

The only time it won’t come across as low value, is when you are both in love and you both know it.

So in that sense, it’s about timing and it’s about being attuned to where his feelings are at (ie: testing his feelings first).

There Are 7 Common Signs That A Woman is Perceived as Low Value to All Men. Do You Know What They Are & How to Avoid Them Like the Plague?

CLICK here to discover the 7 common signs that a woman is perceived as low value in the eyes of men in this special report.

There Are 7 Common Signs That A Woman is Perceived as Low Value to All Men. CLICK HERE to find out what they are.

Most Women Use High Risk Methods To Tell A Guy They Like Him…

When it comes to knowing how to tell a guy you like him, we have to take into account the fact that you guys are still probably in the early stages.

It may seem appealing to just “say it”, to just “be open and honest” – but remember, they are your feelings, not his.

So what’s a high risk method to tell a guy you like him? It’s something that focuses on how you feel within yourself. 

Here are some examples of high risk ways to tell a guy you like him…

“Being with you feels so good! You’re not actually too bad.”

“Wow, you’re making me melt!”

“I think I might be catching the feels…but don’t get a big head.”

I think these ways are kind of “sweet”, but they have a lot more value when you already know for sure that he likes you. Otherwise it’s just a little more risky to say these things.

They come with a higher risk because they don’t allow you to feel the waters first. They are not going to allow you to test where he is at.

Recommended: How To Test Him To See If He Cares [The Definitive Test].

The three methods I’m about to share with you are safer as a starting point, because they allow you to test where he’s at, as well as helping you to calibrate and attune to his feelings.

These methods will work to tell him you like him over text or in person.

CLICK HERE to discover how much you truly live in your feminine energy with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz!

How To Tell A Guy You Like Him: Ensure That You Come Across High value

These methods may feel foreign to some women to begin with – but that’s also exactly why they work (and have worked for so many women in our community).

These 3 ways to tell him you like him are super important for you to learn and here’s why…

Because whenever you like a guy a lot, especially at the start, you want to ensure that you have the best chances of coming across high value so that he may also feel closer to you and like you more. 

Recommended: How To Build Emotional Connection With A Man: Game Changer.

The worst thing you could do is to get to the point where you really like a guy and proceed to tell him that you like him, but instead of bringing him closer when you tell him, you scare him away.

(Also, telling a guy that you like him outright carries a lot of pressure).

These 3 low risk and high value methods are methods I came up with together with my husband (who has helped thousands of women get the man of their dreams to commit to them without resistance or effort). 

These methods will not only help you come across as high value, they will help you first test where he is at.

Because you can’t force a guy to like you, much less so if you try to do it by telling him outright that you like him!

Would you like to discover the secrets of the masculine perspective so that you can get through to any man, connect with him heart to heart, and inspire his deepest loyalty and commitment? CLICK here to discover these secrets in our most popular program “Understanding Men” now.

So let’s get into it.

How To Tell A Guy You Like Him In 3 Low Risk & High Value Ways

How To Tell Him I like Him Method #1: Give A Playful back-handed Compliment 

Some people actually use back-handed compliments as a way to insult people. You are not going to do that.

There’s a distinct difference between insulting people with a back-handed compliment and delivering a playful back-handed compliment. 

This is about playfulness. Yes, you can play and give a backhanded compliment.

It’s about your intent. If you have the right intent, you can say almost anything.

(Unless the guy you like is a narcissist or controlling. These guys don’t care about your playfulness, because they are literally incapable of playfulness – since playfulness involves two human beings rather than one). 

These are the men who will use and abuse you. 

Here’s an example of a back-handed compliment you can say to a guy:

“Wow! I really like your pants. Pity about the person who is wearing them.”

See how the intent behind this is playful? If you’re not convinced, compare it to a back-handed compliment like this one:

“Wow! You look just like your brother! He has a big nose too.”

Not so nice, and playful, right? Because the intent is different. That’s pretty obvious to most level-headed, thinking people. 

This is an easy way to tell him you like him over text, actually. As long as you include an emoji after the comment, so that it’s clear that you’re being playful. 

And here’s an example of how you don’t want to use back-handed compliments (because they’re actually trying to insult the guy).

Now you may be wondering: why would a backhanded compliment help you build attraction?

Because that’s what playfulness does – play inherently creates a feeling of excitement – which a guy then associates with being around you.

How To Tell Him I like Him Method #2: Use Push And Pull

Here’s an example of how to tell a guy you like him over text – but it works in person as well. 

You use push and pull to tell him you like him:

You say: “Do you know what I like about you?”

Him: “what?”

You: “Absolutely nothing! (insert giggle or smiley face here).”

The great thing about using this method of push and pull is that you get to say what you want to say without taking any risks.

And he’ll have a high chance of picking up on your communication, at no risk to you.

Not to mention, push and pull is a good way to playfully banter with a guy and build emotional attraction. 

Emotional attraction and emotional connection are the two key ingredients of any successful long-term relationship.

Emotional attraction and emotional connection are the two critical things that help you make a man fall in love with you, and allow you to keep that relationship strong over the long-term.

So what does push and pull achieve? It achieves two things:

  1. It creates spontaneity and anticipation. (Both of these things help to build emotional attraction as well as romantic tension). These are important things if you guys are going to form a deeper relationship.
  2. It lets you feel for how he responds. If he responds to your first question “you know what I like about you?” with an instinctive sense of eagerness, then you’ll know he’s at least open to you and perhaps he likes you somewhat.

If he responds with reluctance, with pulling away, or if he responds with a sense of complete detachment, then you know he really sees you as a friend.

learn the dark feminine art of High Value Banter here.

How To Tell Him I like Him Method #3: Tell Him These Two Words…

The final way to tell him is a method that so many women in our community and in our facebook group have used with great success.

It is a method that allows you to test for more than just whether he likes you or not – it also allows you to work out how much he cares about how you feel about him and what you think of him.

But this method is a method that we share with subscribers to our free newsletter. 

CLICK here to discover the ONE phrase you can say to ANY man that will capture his instant attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say!

CLICK HERE to discover the ONE PHRASE you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say!

That is it for the 3 low risk and high value ways to tell a guy you like him over text or in person. If you try these out, please share how it went! 

Leave me a comment below sharing your story with us!

renee wade what to do when he doesn't call

