3 Mistakes Women Make When Keeping A Man Interested Through Text – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women

How to keep a man interested through text


The only intelligent way to keep a man interested through text is to use a concept called high value banter to build emotional attraction. 

High value banter, or playful banter, is what allows you to create emotional attraction and continue the conversation momentum with the best of men through text.

It is more difficult in this day and age to get a guy hooked on you through text, because people are having multiple conversations at a time and most women don’t make that soul to soul connection with a man quickly.

This is because they do not converse in a way that builds romantic tension, mystery and excitement. 

Instead of bringing these qualities to their conversations, most women fall into the trap of small talk, which leads them to the graveyard of online conversations. 

So here’s the good news:

You can easily stand out from the sexiest and prettiest women out there and get a guy hooked on you through text if you build the skills of banter.

Here is How To Banter With Men To Build Attraction.

And here’s the bad news:

There’s no real value for you in keeping a guy “interested”. 

There is no value in a man’s interest, beyond giving you an ego boost and some surface attention.

A man could be interested in a business opportunity, or a flock of beautiful birds flying by. 

So interest is cheap and fleeting. 

There is value, however, in inspiring a man to be serious about you. 

So let’s work not only on answering how to keep a man interested through text, but also, how to inspire him to feel emotional connection and emotional attraction through text.

Because it is through building emotional connection and emotional attraction that you will succeed at getting him hooked on you through text and falling deeply in love with you.  

(And a man falling in love with you is the highest form of value you can get from any man).

In this article, I will: 

  • Discuss the top three common mistakes women make when texting a guy.
  • Then I will explain how to get a guy hooked on you through text, with real examples used by the women in our community.

Let’s go. 

How to keep a man interested through text

Mistake #1: Making It About Themselves.

When you’re texting a guy, it’s not about gaining more attention and even a sense of validation for yourself.

It’s about a mutually fulfilling conversation that makes you both feel excited to meet each other and talk to each other.

To get a guy hooked on you through text, you need him to be so fascinated by you that he cannot HELP but initiate texts with you as well as eagerly await your texts.

So don’t approach texting a guy with the desire to try to control him and keep his attention on you.

Focus on building real emotional attraction and real emotional connection.


To make a man addicted to texting you, you need to keep the conversation exciting for both of you. 

This means you have to escalate the conversation from just another boring online conversation to a conversation that builds real romantic tension.

On that note, would you like to discover ONE thing you can text any man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say!

CLICK HERE to Learn the ONE thing you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say!

Mistake #2: Pushing Too Hard To Get Him Hooked

I’ve discovered through 13 years of teaching that many women who want to know how to keep a man interested through text are already attached to the guy.

And because of a lack of conscious awareness of this deep attachment, they’re only focused on their own needs.

This makes them push too hard for a guy to keep texting her back, so that she can feel secure in the situation, and like the guy will be ‘hers’. 

But this risks you looking low value.

It takes you out of an ideal feminine, high value and playful state and instead makes you have tunnel vision.

This tunnel vision then makes you focus only on trying to extract attention and reassurance from the guy.

All of this can be felt even through a text message, because it gives your texting a certain type of urgency and tension that is unattractive. 

Don’t worry too much if this is you. 

You can’t move forward without first knowing your mistakes when learning how to keeping a man interested through text.

So if you’ve made this mistake, simply acknowledge it and move forward. 

By the way, did you know that there are 7 common signs a woman is low value in the eyes of all men? Do you know what these 7 signs are and how to avoid them like the plague?

CLICK here to discover the 7 common signs that a woman is perceived as low value in the eyes of men in this special report. 

(Why is this important? Because men and women perceive value very differently and you don’t want to be making mistakes that would cause quality men to dismiss, abandon or alienate you.) 


I want you understand one crucial thing, because this is essential for your love life:

It’s ok that you’re attached to the guy…..

Your attachment to the guy isn’t wrong at all, it’s part of you being a feminine woman at your core. 

This phenomenon is so ubiquitous among women that we’ve given it a name, and it’s called your “feminine bias for early attachment”. 

This feminine bias is there to help you, even whilst it can be your ultimate downfall if you are unaware of it. 

When you’re unaware of it and allow it to let you get too carried away, it spurs you to act low value.

You just have to be aware of it and not let your own desires and needs blind you to where the guy is at and what he needs.

Instead, use this attachment to him to your advantage. 

Specifically, you have to use it to add value to a man through playful conversations that build real attraction. 

CLICK here to watch a video on how to use your “innate feminine bias for early attachment” to create deeper attraction and inspire a deeper commitment from your man. 

Mistake #3: They Engage In Small Talk

I’m sure like any other intelligent woman, you’re not a big fan of small talk.

But even the best of us fall into the trap of small talk through texting and online dating, and this is why women fail at getting him hooked through text. 

As David Shen, my husband says: 

“Small talk will get you nowhere faster than a bullet train off its rails.
What you need instead, is the ability to communicate in a way that carries excitement and mystery…

If you don’t have the skills to carry on an exciting conversation, to create emotional attraction through texts, then all is for nought.”

So how do you build the skills of creating emotional attraction through text?

How To Keep A Man Interested Through Text

First let’s acknowledge that keeping a man interested through text is difficult because you’re only able to use 9% of all available human communication through text.

This means that you’re unable to access 91% of all other effective communication that you could access in person, or even through video chat.


To maximize your effectiveness at communicating to a man through text, it’s imperative that you bring playfulness to the table. 

Playfulness is vital when it comes to texting a guy to keep him interested through text.

Playfulness also brings spontaneity to the conversation, and spontaneity is how we are able to connect heart to heart with a man. 

Because through spontaneity the real you shows up, and you’re not just connecting through the surface parts of yourself. 

When you can only connect with the surface parts of a man, he will lose interest in texting you, especially the ones who are looking for something real.

And yes, there are men out there looking for something real online. 

I’ve seen multiple women meet a man online, fall in love and get married within a year. And a lot of these women are in their late 30s or late 40s!


The way you lead with playfulness through text is by using high value banter. 

If you’d like some examples you can copy and paste, we have something special for you…

CLICK here to discover more FREE text examples and learn why you need to use the dark art of “High Value Banter” in order to quickly weed out the wrong types of men and create emotional attraction with the “BEST of MEN”! 

(…Even if no man has ever given you any love and all you’ve encountered so far are pen pals, ghosts, booty calls, and incredible duds!)

Don’t know what the dark feminine art of “High Value Banter” is? CLICK to find out. 

(My man David runs this free class and I highly recommend you listen to it.)

Now let’s take a look at some examples of how to keep a man’s attention through text.

Examples Of How To Keep A Man‘s Attention Through Text

Here are some good examples of how to use playfulness to get a man hooked through text. 

For this first example, Jackie our group member is in the white and the guy is in the yellow:

How to keep a man interested through text

And another one from Jackie. Jackie is in the blue and the guy is in the grey speech bubbles. 

See how she is playfully continuing the conversation momentum?

How to keep a guy interested through text
How to keep a guy interested through text
How to keep a guy interested through text

What I want you to notice from these text messages is:

  1. How Jackie lead with playfulness
  2. How much fun her texting conversations were, and
  3. How easy it is to build romantic tension with her playful approach

And here’s one more example on how to keep a man’s attention through text. 

This lady is a member of our High Value Profile and Banter course. See how playful their conversation is?

Our member is in the blue, and the guy is in the grey speech bubbles.

How to get a guy interested in you through text

How To Get A Guy Interested In You Though Text

Now, the art of playfulness is not only useful for KEEPING a man’s interest through text, it’s also effective for getting his interest and attention on you in the first place.

In terms of how to get a guy interested in you though text, here is an example from our lovely Alena of how you can easily get a man to ask you out super quickly with playful banter. Our member Alena is in the grey and the guy is in the yellow.

(Before you read this example, also consider the fact that she recently got married and so did her good friend, all through starting conversations through text using banter.)

how to get a guy interested in you through text
how to get a guy interested in you through text

Finally, here is one high value banter example that is playful and also conveniently illustrates how you can handle a guy’s attempts to get sexual:

How To Get A Guy Hooked Over Text: Something To Keep In Mind

It is very possible to keep a man’s interest through text, as long as you follow the principles I’ve outlined in this article. 

Regardless, you have to keep something in mind…

Even if you’re leading with your playfulness and building romantic tension with men through text, some men you meet and like will be at the wrong time in their lives to make a commitment to you. 

You can add all the value you want, but if the guy already has a girlfriend or is married, if he’s jobless and feeling worthless, it’s going to be harder to keep him hooked on you.

What Should You Do Now?

The most important thing to do is to practise bantering with men through text, and even in person if you can.

They say practise makes perfect, and when it comes to banter, this is true, as we mentioned in our video above. 

Also, keep this in mind:

We’re not trying to be a circus monkey. Bantering isn’t about being a funny girl, although when you get good at it, you will naturally be funny.

Truly good bantering skills is about learning to be playful, and the funny and witty banter will simply come to you.


Relax into the conversation, relax into playfulness and let the banter flow. 

All the good stuff will follow through practise.

I recommend you take David’s free class on how to banter, but regardless of what you choose, we wish you all the best in your love life!

By the way: here are 6 High Value Traits That Routinely Make Men Fall In Love.

renee wade what to do when he doesn't call

