5 Ways Satan Uses Comparison to Break Apart Female Friendships

5 Ways Satan Uses Comparison to Break Apart Female Friendships


We are all on a different faith journey, but spiritual comparison is real and running rampant, especially in the church. After all, as women, we are emotionally invested, so when it comes to glorifying the Lord and ways in which to do that within the church body, it’s easy for us to either boldly assert our opinions or feel we don’t have a voice. When led by God, these overtly passionate emotions can indeed be good, but sadly, it can also create great tension, making way for a battleground of our faith to emerge.

So, how do we stop this blatant attack from the enemy? How do we step out in our faith without looking at her with a tinge of frustration or envy? How do we become women on a mission – working together?

The truth is that God knows exactly where you are when it comes to your faith journey, and He isn’t expecting you to be like her; He wants you to be you! He is growing your faith as He shapes and molds you to be more and more of the daughter He needs you to be. He is etching things in your heart. He is placing gifts in your life. He is putting certain people in your life to serve, love, and bless. His plans for your life are designed and tailor-made just for you and come with a purpose that fits every part of your inner and outer makeup.

That said, He has placed faithful women in your life to learn and grow from, as well as to mentor and serve. When we look to our sisters in Christ with eyes of compassion and see them as the beautiful daughters God created them to be, there is little to no room for jealousy or contempt, but only the gift of gracefully woven, sisterly love.

Father, You are such a good, wise, and loving God. We are so grateful that You see us and the nature of our hearts. Grant us the ability to take this beautiful gift of fellowship You so gracious have given us with our faithful sisters, and not bend to comparison, but rather to compassion. We long to honor You! Amen.

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