6 Prayers for Broken (or Breaking) Relationships

4 Steps to Take if You Are Unhappy in Your Marriage


Recently, a woman I’ve known for a while approached me with a topic I have heard several times before from many people. A story all too common today. A story of conflict, one that may end in divorce. She, like so many others, is contending with a difficult relationship. In her mind, the only way out is out.

While I tried to offer a different perspective, one that doesn’t entertain the thought of divorce or prioritize happiness for self, her mind was focused on escaping the broken relationship if it cannot be fixed.

Part of me wanted her to see my point of view, but part of me understood. Certainly, we can all relate to a desire to be right, especially when we’ve been wronged. We can all relate to the experience of having conflict with those closest to us.

We can relate to the feeling of a relationship that is either broken or on its way toward freefall.

Relatives, past friends, or past lovers. The angst of a broken relationship can sit with us for months, years, if not a lifetime. The fear of losing what we’ve spent time building can haunt us just the same.

Where are your relationships today? In prosperity? On the verge of utter collapse?

If, like this woman, you find yourself in a tough place, there’s always one thing you can and should do. Pray. Pray like your relationship depends on it.

Here are six prayers for broken (or breaking) relationships.

A Prayer for Guidance


I come before you now seeking the sort of clarity only you can provide. I’m at a loss. Anger, sadness, and confusion keep me from seeing what’s right. I want to make the next step, but I’m not sure what that next step should be. Conflict has led to division in my life, a division that has brought about more than I expected. More than I think I can handle.

These days, my relationship doesn’t have the same sense of comfort, trust, or security. I want things to get better, but I also want our problems to get resolved.

What does that look like? What should I do, and what shouldn’t I do?

Could you provide me with insight on how to go about fixing this brokenness? Am I able to? Whatever the case, help me to respond to conflict in a way that honors you in this relationship.

Please, Lord, and thank you. Amen.

A Prayer for Mutual Understanding


Is there anyone more patient, more forgiving, more wise than you? I need help becoming more like you right now. I’ve tried to reconcile, but my efforts have not worked. At least not yet. There seems to be a lack of understanding on both sides. That’s why I’m praying to you, asking for the insight that I lack. Help both of us to see what remains to be seen. Give us clarity where we lack understanding, and may that new insight promote us in a good direction. May that new insight bring us closer to you.

In your son’s name. Amen.


Conflict has done a number on my relationship. Trust is gone. Love is scary. I’m just not sure what the future holds, if anything. I don’t want my relationship to end, but I don’t see a relationship with all this baggage I carry. Please help us to find healing and forgiveness. No matter how difficult that may seem. May that healing and forgiveness be mutual, and may it all serve to honor you.

Surely, sin has led my relationship to this point, but I also know that you can bring us out, into a better and brighter future.

Thank you, Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for Introspection


Oh, how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing how I have been wronged and not the wrongs I have committed. Even on my best days, when I have thought, reflected, and found some faults, I instinctively leave some out. I naturally focus on what others do to me and not what I do to them. Maybe this is human nature; maybe this will never completely change, but I do know that with your help, I can be better. I can practice better introspection. I can become a person who knows the ways in which I contribute to conflict.

Where I am doing such in my relationships now, I pray that you would help me to stop. Please, and thank you.


A Prayer for Reconciliation


I hate the feeling. The feeling when a relationship is falling apart, breaking at the seams. That feeling is especially poignant when I’m close to someone, and that’s exactly how I feel right now. The relationship doesn’t have to end, but conflict is preventing any new beginning.

Help us to reconcile, God. Please don’t let such a mutually meaningful and helpful relationship conclude. Everybody has their differences, and where there are differences, we can form an even better relationship. But first, we have to reconcile.

With you, Lord, I know we can. Please show us how. Give us the right timing, the right words, and the right motivations.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Hope


So long as you are a part of the equation, all things are possible. That goes for everything in my life, including my relationships. Especially my relationships. Whether things are great or bitter, Lord, you give me a reason to hope.

And so I hope right now. I hope for an end to the conflict. I hope for a resolution, for understanding. Lord, my hope is that not only do we grow closer to one another but that we grow closer to you in the process.

Thank you for being the God you are and showing me that with Christ, all things are possible.


Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/PixelsEffect 

headshot of author Aaron BrownAaron D’Anthony Brown is a freelance writer, hip-hop dance teacher, and visual artist, living in Virginia. He currently contributes work to iBelieve, Crosswalk, and supports various clients through the platform Upwork. He’s an outside-the-box thinker with a penchant for challenging the status quo. Check out his short story “Serenity.”

