75 Perfect Sorry Messages for Him to Show How Much You Care

I'm sorry written on a typewriter is one of many sorry messages for him


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Have you and your man gotten into a fight? It happens. If you’re looking for ideas on how to apologize to your boyfriend or husband, we’ve compiled a list of sorry messages for him to help you get moving in the right direction.

All relationships go through rough patches and it’s normal that people have miscommunications and disagreements from time to time, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t apologize when we mess up. This is where a beautifully crafted sorry message for him can help to express your regret. You’ll find apology messages for a boyfriend, apology messages for a husband, and long distance apology messages here that can help you say what you need to say to let your man know how much you care.

Sorry Messages for Him

A man sits outside reading long sorry messages for boyfriend
Apologizing love messages have to come from the heart, so be sure to personalize these I’m sorry quotes!

Apology Messages for Your Boyfriend

  1. I’m so sorry and I know I’ve made a massive mistake, I just hope that we can work through this together.
  2. Trust me, I know what an idiot I’ve been. You are an incredible boyfriend and you didn’t deserve this. Please let me try to make this up to you.
  3. I am so sorry, babe, please let me try to make you feel better about all this.
  4. I know that apologies can only do so much, so please tell me what I can do to try to make this up to you.
  5. I know I’ve messed up, but if you could give me a second chance, it will never happen again. The thought of losing you is driving me insane.
  6. You are an amazing boyfriend and I’m so very sorry this has happened. Let’s talk soon, please?
  7. I keep replaying what I said/did, and it’s all just surreal. You are an amazing boyfriend and you didn’t deserve that.
  8. I’m so sorry, babe. If I had a time machine, I’d go back and ____. 
  9. I just keep going back to what I said/did and I can’t believe it happened like that. I am so sorry babe, please let me make this right.
  10. I am so very sorry to have hurt you, please tell me what I can do to make it better.
  11. You have been an amazing boyfriend from the start and I’m the one that’s been the idiot here. Please let me try to show you I can be what you deserve.
  12.  You are an incredible boyfriend and I hate that I took you for granted. Please give me another chance to be a better girlfriend/boyfriend for you.
  13. If I told you I’m consumed with guilt from what I said/did to you, would you believe me?  
  14. You are a wonderful guy and I know I messed up when I did/said ____. I really am so sorry and hope we can talk about it soon. 
  15. I know that apologizing can’t make up for what I did/said to you, I just hope you’ll let it be a start for me to try and make this right. 
  16. I can’t believe you’re having to go through all this, you deserve so much better. Please let me try to make it better.
  17. You = Perfect Boyfriend. Me = Total Idiot. 
  18. You have been a dream boyfriend to me and I hate that I haven’t been better for you. I’m so sorry and hope that you will someday give me another chance.
  19. I am so sorry, honey, this isn’t who I am, I swear. If you could give me another chance, I promise you I will do everything I can to try to make this up to you and show you who I really am.
  20. I am so sorry for being so thoughtless. You are an incredible man, please let me show you what you mean to me.
  21. There’s no excuse for my actions, so I won’t even try to make one. I am so sorry and want you to know I’m here whenever you’re willing and able to talk.
  22. You are an incredible person and literally everything I’ve ever wanted in a boyfriend, I’m so sorry I’ve endangered our relationship like this. Please let me try to make it up to you.
  23. I just keep thinking about how insensitive I was to what you were going through and I’m sorry. That’s not the kind of girlfriend/boyfriend I want to be for you ever.
  24. I know that there’s no way for me to talk my way out of what’s happened and I won’t try, I just want you to know I am really and truly so sorry to have hurt you. Please don’t let this be the end for us.
  25. I completely understand why you’re angry and you have every right to not want to talk to me. I just want you to know I’m here if and when you’re ready.

Apology Messages for Your Husband

A man reads an apologizing love message for him
When trying to write sorry messages for husbands, be sure to let him know you’re still all in with him.
  1. My dearest darling husband, I am so very sorry. I’m to blame here, none of this is your fault. 
  2.  I know you’re angry with me, but if you would be willing to let me try, I just want to make this up to you.
  3. You have been the best husband a person could ever ask for, I’m the one who has fallen so short. I am so sorry, please let me try to make this right.
  4. My stupid mistakes have complicated everything and I know that. You are an amazing husband and I’m so grateful that you are willing to talk to me about this.
  5. You are an incredible man and I hate that I’ve hurt the man I love most in this world. I’m so sorry, honey.
  6. If I could take it back, I would. I’m so sorry.
  7. To my incredible husband: I know I’ve made a massive mistake and I am just hoping and praying that you will let me try to make this right.
  8. If I could go back and change what I’ve done, I would in a heartbeat. You are my everything and I never wanted to hurt you.
  9. My sweet, strong husband: you have always been there for me in every way, and to think that I have hurt you like this is breaking my heart. I’m so sorry, love.
  10. I just keep thinking of this beautiful life we have together and how I’ve compromised it. I am so sorry, my love, really and truly.
  11. I know this is going to be so hard to get through, but please tell me you think we are worth it.
  12. To my sweet husband: I’m so sorry, I just feel like I don’t even deserve you sometimes.
  13. Every time I think of how I’ve treated you, I get sick to my stomach. My love, you didn’t deserve this and I am so sorry.
  14.  You have always been my everything, and to know that I’ve hurt you is destroying me. I know, I deserve that, I just hope that you can someday forgive me.
  15. I just keep thinking of our beautiful life and our shared history and my stupid mistake. I am so sorry, my love. Please let me try to make it up to you.
  16. I just want to run to you like I always have when I feel terrible, but I know I can’t right now because as bad as I feel, I’m sure you feel worse. I love you so much and am so sorry.
  17. You have always been there for me in every way and I know I’ve let you down. I love you and am so sorry.
  18. I have nothing but respect and love for you, and I hate that my actions/words haven’t shown you that. Please let me try and be a better spouse for you.
  19. I am so sorry, my love. I just want to have the chance to try and make this up to you, even if it takes the rest of our lives.
  20. I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t and I’m just so sorry. I love you so much and will be waiting here for you whenever you’re ready to talk. 
  21. We promised we’d stick together through the good times and the bad. I hate that I’m the reason we are going through the bad, but please know I intend to make this right. I love you.
  22. You deserve so much better than this and I’m sorry. Please let me try to make this up to you.
  23. I keep replaying everything over in my head and I know I’m in the wrong. I’m so sorry, my love.
  24. You are my everything and I am so sorry to have hurt you. Please tell me how to make this up to you, sweet husband of mind.
  25. I am so sorry, my love. I feel like I’ve broken both our hearts here and I hate that.

Long Distance Apology Messages for Him

  1. It’s hard enough being apart when things are amazing, but being apart when I desperately wish I could look you in the eyes and tell you how sorry I am? This is brutal. I am so sorry, babe.
  2. I know these I’m sorry messages aren’t going to be enough, but please tell me we can hold on until we are together again to talk this all through in person. 
  3. I’m so sorry to have hurt you, I know this is crazy hard to work through long distance, but I really hope we will come out even stronger on the other side.
  4. Long distance makes these kinds of communications even harder. I’m so sorry for what’s happened and I just hope that you’ll give me a chance to make it up to you.
  5. I wish I could be there with you right now to show you how sorry I am. I just want to make it better for you.
  6. I’m so sorry, honey. What can I do to help make this better?
  7. I know what I would do if I was there in person with you to try to make this better, but since I can’t do that, please tell me how I can try to make this right.
  8. If we didn’t have all this stupid distance between us, I would show you in person how very sorry I am. I hate that we have to be apart like this.
  9. We knew that long-distance relationships are hard, but these long-distance fights are even harder. I’m so sorry, love.
  10. As far apart as the physical distance has been, I’ve never felt this far apart from you as I do right now. I’m so sorry for everything, I am hoping you’ll let me try to make this up to you.
  11. I don’t want to make excuses for my behavior because there aren’t any and I’m just so very sorry. I hope this apology message can be the start of us working through this mess.
  12. I am so sorry. I know you’re probably considering walking away from this long-distance relationship because of this, but I can promise you that if you just hold on, I’ll do everything in my power to make this right.
  13. I have missed you so much throughout this distance, now I feel like I’ve put even more distance between us with this screw up. Please tell me I can make this right.
  14. I hate that I’ve been such a crappy long-distance partner. I’m going to make this up to you, I swear.
  15. I just keep imagining that there will be a day soon when we will be together again in person and able to look in each other’s eyes and say how glad we are that we held on through this. I love you and am so sorry.
  16. Long-distance apologies are stupid hard and I wish I could just sit next to you and talk all this out. I’m so sorry.
  17. I always miss you, but I wish now more than ever that I could see you in person to know what you’re really thinking. I’m so sorry, honey.
  18. I feel like this has put even more between us than the physical distance we already had. I hate this and I’m sorry.
  19. I know we can get through this if you’ll just hang on here with me. Please, let me show you how sorry I am and how good we can be.
  20. Never have I wanted to be able to teleport to you as badly as I do right now. I just want to see you in person to tell you how very sorry I am for all of this.
  21. Long-distance relationships are hard but it’s not an excuse for what’s happened and I know that. I’m so sorry and hope we can move through this together.
  22. You mean so much to me and I am so sad to think that our relationship is in trouble because of me. Please let me try to make this right for us.
  23. I wish I could be there to tell you how sorry I am in person. I really miss you and can’t wait to see you in person again so I can show you what you really mean to me. 
  24. I know I’m sorry won’t make up for what’s happened here, but please know that I really and truly am.
  25. I’m so sorry. I know text apologies like this just aren’t enough, but I’m hoping it’s a start for us.

Expressing how sorry we are can be difficult for many reasons, but if you’re trying to find the perfect words to show him how you feel, then these apologizing love messages will hopefully help you get moving in the right direction. One of the most important things about apologizing to a boyfriend or husband is that we have to own up and acknowledge what we’ve done and also be clear that we hope to make things right. Everyone messes up sometimes, it’s what we do in the aftermath that really counts.

It can be helpful to be specific when you’re apologizing to your boyfriend or husband, ie “I’m really sorry that ___” so that he can really feel that you understand why they’re hurt and upset. If you don’t mind a long sorry message for him, try being specific in how you hope to make it better, too. Apologies are tough, but if you commit to sending sorry messages for him that show him you know why he’s upset and you hope to be able to make it better, you’ll be well on your way to working through the situation you find yourself in. Hopefully, these apology messages for him help you get to that point.

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