8 Surprising Things about You That Are Attractive to Your Husband

8 Surprising Things about You That Are Attractive to Your Husband


Ladies, we may hate our stretch marks, but our husbands cherish them. I often call my stretch marks, my battle scars. They are a reminder of the ability of my body to carry and bear children. Each time I see them, I remember how wonderful it was to experience the miracle of pregnancy.

Our husbands feel the same way. Whether you have stretch marks from pregnancy or victories of weight loss, your stretch marks are the result of a gift.

They are your battle scars, and they remind your husband of the strong, beautiful woman he has.

8. Wearing His T-Shirt

Wearing your husband’s t-shirt is a turn on. This act fires up the intimate love your husband has for you. Husband’s told me that when they see their wife wearing their shirt, they know their wife desires them.

Husbands need to be reminded that they are attractive and wanted.

Ladies let’s grab a shirt from our man’s closet and let him know we still have eyes only for him!

When God created man, he created something special.

He created a person who can lead, care for, and love his wife. God also knew that in a marriage relationship, man would need to be felt loved and attractive by their wives. They need to know we still desire them to care for us and lead the home.

The amazing thing about their needs is God already knew them and equipped us wives to fulfill them, even with all our stretch marks and meltdowns.

Photo Credit: ©Freestocks.org/Unsplash

