9 Powerful Prayers for Your Marriage

9 Powerful Prayers for Your Marriage


Do you pray for your spouse? Specifically and with purpose and intent? Or are your prayers more of a “help ______ today be the person I need them to be”? Hmm. How often do we, without paying attention, customize our prayers for our spouse to benefit ourselves? Or how often do we pray for our spouse and their weaknesses in order to get them repaired to a place where we can love them more easily?

What constitutes powerful prayer for your marriage? Considering prayer is as powerful as a two-edged sword, it’s probably wise to step back and carefully choose our words, investigate the intent of our heart, and consider how we can pray for the health and well-being of this sanctified relationship into which we entered.

There are nine specific attitudes of prayer you can pray for your marriage and your spouse. All of them are based on the fruits of the spirit. If we foster these in prayer and our lives, it will be curious to see how they improve our marriages.

Let’s check them out:

Photo credit: ©Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

