A Simple Dating Hack to Turn Your Love Life Around

A Simple Dating Hack to Turn Your Love Life Around


simple dating hack
Are you feeling disappointed and stuck in your dating or in your relationship?   Then, here is a simple dating hack to turn your love life around!  It is a revolutionary approach that allows you to give yourself instructions about the exact love life you want to have. In fact, research has shown that these precise instructions can help you create inner strength, self-love, empowerment and discernment when it comes to relationships.

Because it is aimed at the internal world of your mind and spirit, this simple hack brings you greater fulfillment without having to struggle so much with obstacles in the real world. It helps you create faith in your love future.

All I ask is that you come with me on a little journey. So just imagine for a moment being able to instruct yourself to find the One and be in an extraordinary lasting passionate relationship.  In fact, you can rewire your brain and create more positive thoughts and visions for yourself.  This rewiring of your neural network creates an inner map that shows you how to look for a great match and make it all work out in a wonderful way.  You can program your brain, and ultimately your love life! Because you will be focusing on what your heart truly wants, rather than focusing on what is missing.  And, last but not least, you tend to manifest whatever you put your attention on.

The simple dating hack is this:

Create your own visionary love scenes that capture the longing of your heart.

There are three steps to the process.

 A Simple Dating Hack Step One: Get Inspired

Listen to a love song that inspires you. Now, imagine yourself in the song, either singing it to your Beloved or having it sung to you by your Beloved.

A Simple Dating Hack Step Two: Imagine 3 scenes from your ideal love life and Write them Down

First, imagine that you have found your life partner and the love you really want. Second, think about three different scenes or interactions between you and your partner in which you feel incredibly loved, grounded, or peaceful.  Finally, fill in the details.  Where are you?  Describe exactly who you are with–your ideal soulmate! What are you doing 😉?  What are the words being spoken?  And, what feelings are bubbling up?

So go ahead and jot some notes down on each scene.  Nothing is too grand or difficult to imagine.  Maybe you are in a castle together?  In Tahiti? In fact, let yourself go completely and fully experience each love scene.


A Simple Dating Hack Step Three:  Make a Love Scene Collage

First, make a simple collage that has pictures and phrases from your love scenes.  Castles, beaches, a gorgeous partner?  Love quotes that send you?  In fact, just looking at your collage should make you smile!  Put your Love Scene Collage where you can see it every day.


A Simple Dating Hack : Client Example

Here are three scenes that our coaching client, Iris, created as love scripts:

First scene: We’re having a lazy morning in a large ornate bed, snuggling on white sheets and white pillows. We’re giggling, talking—really talking—laughing and he says so genuinely, “I could look at you forever.” He’s lovely, brown hair parted down the center, a little grey mixed in, a kind and handsome face. He’s tallish, broad-shouldered, cares about the world. He’s a good solid guy with a heart as big as they come but an uncommon wisdom; his default setting is to do the right thing even when it is hard.

Second scene: We’re standing talking and I tell him I’m pregnant. He scoops me up in his arms, lovingly, protectively. With my head against the hair on his chest, he says he’s so happy. Tears roll down my face. I tell him I’m so happy that he’s happy, and that I was worried. He looks at me and says, “I hate all those other men who led you to feel that way.”

Third scene: We’re in a village in Africa; we’re so happy working together for UNESCO or Save the Children. He’s speaking to a villager in his native tongue. The man mentions that my heart is as large as my lovely bottom in a language I don’t understand yet. My man diplomatically says something to him that I’m his—and to back off in a good natured way. Whatever he does apparently defuses the situation and everyone has a good laugh.

 Iris is now very happily married to a great guy who comes very close to making all these love scenes come true in her life! So there you have the simple dating hack that if you practice it, you will turn your love life around.



