Are You a Young Grandparent? Here Are 5 Ways This Can Be a Blessing

Are You a Young Grandparent? Here Are 5 Ways This Can Be a Blessing


Becoming a grandparent is a milestone event that brings many blessings. However, when you find yourself in this role relatively young, you might wonder if you’re ready for the responsibility.

My husband and I became grandparents at 41 – something we never expected. All sorts of doubts went through our minds as we still had young children at home and didn’t know what would be expected of us.

However, our doubts flew out the window with one glance at our newborn grandson. The blessing we held in our arms brought things into perspective and realigned us with our God-given purpose. It’s been eleven years since that day, and we now see how God turned our apprehensions into one of the greatest blessings on this side of heaven.

If you’re a young grandparent, here is why it can be a blessing:

1. You Have the Energy to Keep Up with Them

Recently, I was jogging alongside my grandkids as they rode their scooters. My oldest grandson said, “Wow, Nana, I can’t believe you can jog!” His statement made me laugh, and also thank God that I had the energy to keep up with them. These kinds of blessings make me realize how wonderful it is to be a young grandparent.

While our grandkids will wear us out from time to time, we can do many things to stay active and keep up. Here are a few activities to consider:

-Hiking, biking, or swimming

-Camping or nature walks

-Playing basketball

-Playing tennis

-Playing ping-pong

Not only can we engage in physical activities with our grandkids, but we can also enjoy the things they’re involved in, such as sports, music, art, 4-H, and other school clubs. Being a young grandparent gives us the energy we need to be active with our grandkids and enjoy every minute.

2. You Can Keep Up with the Trends

grandfather with kid looking at a tablet

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/monkeybusinessimages

With today’s technology, grandparents need to be in the know and try to keep up with some trends. Notice I said some of the trends – as not all of them are beneficial for our grandchildren or us.

Whether posting funny TikTok videos or looking up silly memes, our grandkids will love it when we engage in the things they’re interested in. Here are ways to keep up with the latest trends while still being a positive influence on your grandchildren:

-Be interested in fashion trends while still encouraging modesty.

-Know who they follow on social media and advise them to use caution.

-Watch movies that are both entertaining and clean.

-Listen to the music they like while pointing out questionable lyrics.

-Go to concerts, sports events, and festivals.

Remember, you can have fun with your grandkids and be tuned in to the latest trends while still maintaining Godly standards. Hopefully, they will pick up on your boundaries and begin to ask questions that can lead to more discussions from the Bible. Ultimately, we want to connect with our grandchildren in such a way that they will also be encouraged by our faith.

3. You’ll Watch Them Grow Up

As a young grandparent, you have the advantage of seeing your grandchildren reach important milestones such as their first steps, first words, and the first day of school. You get to witness their growth and development firsthand and be there to provide support and encouragement as they navigate life’s challenges. And Lord willing, you’ll get to see your grandchildren reach adulthood, get married, and have their own children one day.

Psalm 145:4 says, “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” And the Psalmist says, in Psalm 71:18, “So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”

Watching our grandchildren grow up is a precious blessing from God. Let’s take every opportunity afforded to us to share the Good News of the Gospel and encourage a relationship with Jesus.

Each passing year is another reason to thank God for His provision over us and be intentional in the lives of our grandchildren.

4. You’re Able to Help Their Parents

A family on a couch

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/nd3000

We have the opportunity to provide support to our grandkids and assist their parents on this journey called “parenthood.” As we all know, parenting is not for the faint-hearted; sometimes, our kids just need a break. Young grandparenting allows us to step in when needed and offer whatever help we can.

-Babysitting/Keeping the grandchildren overnight

-Providing Meals/House cleaning

-Running errands

-Offering a listening ear

-Doing life together

I believe it’s God’s design for families to support each other and be available. When we become grandparents at a young age, we have even more opportunities to help our children raise their children and fulfill God’s plan. What a blessing to have the energy and resources to be able to help our kids as they parent our grandchildren!

5. You’ll Have Many Years to Share Jesus with Them

Sharing Jesus with our grandkids is the most important thing we could ever do, and being a young grandparent affords us a few extra years to talk about the Savior and live by example. Our greatest hope is that all our grandchildren will come to know the Lord as their personal Savior, and we have the opportunity to plant seeds and water them as they grow.

As a young mom, I rarely felt like I had the time to stop what I was doing and give my children undivided attention. But as a grandparent, I want each of my grandkids to know I am here to listen and encourage them.

Intending to pass on my faith, I pray for God-given opportunities to share Jesus and point my grandchildren to the Savior. I believe this is my primary role as a grandparent, and I hope to live long enough to see the fruit of it.

Despite my unpreparedness to become a grandparent early in life, I have come to realize that it was always part of God’s divine plan. Having grandchildren is an abundant blessing, and earnestly embracing our role with purpose and grace is an honor and a privilege.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/LuckyBusiness

Jennifer WaddleJennifer Waddle is the author of several books, including Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayerand is a regular contributor for LifeWay, Crosswalk, Abide, and Christians Care International. Jennifer’s online ministry is where you can find her books and sign up for her weekly post, Discouragement Doesnt Win. She resides with her family near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains—her favorite place on earth. 
