Finding the Love of Your Dreams: Podcast

Finding the Love of Your Dreams: Podcast


finding the love of your dreams

Check out my deep-dish podcast with Greg Dudzinski, Detroit’s Love Guru!  You will discover why the pandemic has actually made your chances of finding the love of your dreams even better!

Finding the Love of Your Dreams After 50: Frustrations

I work with lots of women who are looking to find love after 50. I’ve come to the conclusion that women of this age, in general, are by far the most interesting, accomplished, and sexy. Once a woman reaches her middle years she often has the self confidence it takes to really know what she wants.  She’s lived through a multitude of experiences and is less plagued by the anxieties that consume the minds of younger women.  Perhaps, she’s raised children, been divorced a time or two, and maybe has never found true love.  But she has learned about herself in the process. In this way, mature women are in the perfect place to find the love of their dreams.

Still women, as they age, face certain realities. If this is you, you may have been out of the dating game for a while. It can all be a little intimidating. IMO, you need specialized dating advice to find the love of your dreams after 50.

You might wonder if men only want to be with younger women. Or if you have to “put out” and when. Some women look at their changing bodies and say “To hell with it; I better just stay home.”  In fact, if you’re a highly successful career women, you may be burnt out. Or turned off by men who have either played badly with your hearts or are simply just too boring!

Finding the Love of Your Dreams: The Good News

Well I am here to say that things have shifted in a positive direction after the pandemic.  And this is true for women of any age.  53% of online daters now say that they want a real lasting love relationship more than before!  And there is more honesty and less ghosting in online dating.  So on the podcast (below) I answer some of your other questions:


Finding the Love of Your Dreams: Other Questions

  • Should you fib on your dating profile?
  • Also, how to check to see if your dating photos really pop and are working for you or against you!
  • What color makes women and men look most attractive
  • How to work a dating program of three
  • How sexual norms are changing
  • And so much more….

Watch our podcast with Greg, Detroit’s Love Guru, for more juicy information on finding the love of YOUR  dreams right here: 

