Habits of a High Value Woman

habits of a high value woman


habits of a high value woman

Habits of a  High Value Woman

How do you become a self-confident high value woman in relationships? By cultivating the three powerful habits of a high value woman! And in this post I’ll show you how. 

First, a high value woman appreciates her own abilities or qualities.  This is the kind of self-confidence that makes her attractive, magnetic, charismatic, the kind of confidence where she can be truly real and authentic, make silly mistakes and elegantly recover her poise. In fact, a high value woman lives out her quirks and eccentricities and knows that they make her adorable, fun, funny, loving, and lovable. The ‘it’ factor that draws guys to her.

Think such self-confidence is impossible for you? Well I want you to hear me right now: I’ve seen that kind of sparkling self-appreciation emerge over and over in our clients’ lives, no matter what they have been through!

Habits of a High Value Woman: The Challenges

I’ve seen that magic of becoming a high-value woman unfold in many students and clients. Among those that felt old and over the hill because they were in their 40s, 50s, or 60s. Also, in women who are 50 pounds overweight and feeling that weight in more ways than one. I’ve seen that transformation in women who have been cheated on, who feel rejected, crushed, abandoned and humiliated. At first, they come to the Love in 90 Days Program, unempowered and believing that they may never be chosen because of their issues and baggage. They believe they have to settle or grasp at whatever crumbs they can get because this is the best they can do. Until they practice the powerful process you’re about to learn.


Habits of a High Value Woman: The Practices

Now, let’s look at the three powerful practices that create the experience of being a high-value woman. At its core, self-confidence is an experience, a sense of self-assurance based on a set of affirming beliefs about yourself. In fact, these beliefs are grounded in appreciation of your own personality, beauty (everyone has beautiful aspects!), spirit, sensuality, humor, brains, and unique attractiveness. So know you have it, my love! Just take my word for it! Because each person does in their own unique way!

Habits of a High Value Woman: Practice 1

Let’s get started on your journey to living your life full out as a high value woman. The first step is to find your own unique expression of confidence—one that tickles you, that you find intriguing, or flat out would simply love to have. So you start by deliberately making positive statements about yourself in your mind and aloud that are inspiring and nourishing. And you truly allow yourself to play with the process. To be bold and grand, even if you are not feeling it!

Using affirming beliefs leads to positive self-talk, which is very powerful. Participants in one study who said self-affirmations before a new social encounter reduced their thoughts about being rejected, compared with another group that focused on the event and worried about who would be there.
Just pretend for a moment you can choose who/how you want to be regardless of any challenging reality or heartbreak you may be facing right now. So go ahead, play full-out.

Habits of a High Value Woman: Practice 2

First, jot down ideas about how a high-value woman feels. Then, get the engine going until you feel freer and freer to write down whatever comes to mind. If a statement feels scary, that is good—you are pushing the edges of your growth. If it feels great to think of a particular affirmation, then it is right on target. Putting your attention on a positive belief about yourself is one of the most powerful creative forces at our disposal. For example, practice some of these affirmations:

Begin with “I am“:

Lovable and appealing.
Fun, funny and irresistible.
A beautifully unique child of God.
Sparkling and radiantly alive.
Delightful and adorable.
Radiate and attract love.
Charismatic and magnetic.
Charming and captivating.
Engaging and enchanting.
Lovely and fascinating in a way that is easy and effortless.
Entirely deserving of miraculous, surprising, lasting love.

When you make self-affirmations, you build on positive experiences from the past, and, more importantly, you are programming for new habits of a high-value woman in the future. Global or glowing affirmations about yourself don’t necessarily work in the time frame you would like—usually they take longer. But they do work. Make no mistake about it. The more attention you put on the loving self-declaration, the more quickly it will manifest. But you have to put your attention on it like you would on a mantra—lightly and without attaching to the affirmation too tightly. I call this Mantra Affirmation Activation.


Habits of a High Value Woman: Practice 3

The general rule of Mantra Affirmation Activation is, when doubts or other negatives arise, treat them as if you were sitting in meditation: observe them without judgment. Notice and acknowledge your self-doubts and do not fight them. The more you acknowledge the doubts without struggle, the more quickly they will go away. then, always return to your high-value woman affirmation, like you would go back to a mantra after a distracting series of thoughts. In this way you will be flowing with the natural zig-zag pattern of growth.

So for example, if your affirmation is “I am a darling funny, cherished, high-value woman” and you immediately think, “Ha! I am a fat pig!” accept that pushback comment. And repeat the affirmation to yourself– “I am a darling funny, cherished, high-value woman”. In fact, gently go back to the affirmation, no matter what negative comments you get from the peanut gallery of your critical mind! Just go back to the mantra after a distracting series of thoughts. In this way you will be flowing with the natural zig-zag pattern of growth.

So for example, if your affirmation is “I am a darling funny, cherished, high-value woman” and you immediately think, “Ha! I am a fat pig!” accept that pushback comment. And repeat the affirmation to yourself– “I am a darling funny, cherished, high-value woman”. In fact, gently go back to the affirmation, no matter what negative comments you get from the peanut gallery of your critical mind! Just go back to the affirmation! And the affirmation will win! You will experience the power of cultivating and internalizing the habits of a high value woman woman. In fact, you’ll get the great love you deserve! 

Now watch the vid below on developing the habits of a high value woman.


