How Does Worship Make Marriage Stronger?

How Does Worship Make Marriage Stronger?


Worship is a powerful way for us to spend time with God and strengthen our relationship with Him. Despite what season or circumstance you are facing, worshipping God uplifts and encourages you. Pouring out our hearts before the Lord through praise, prayer, and worship reminds us of God’s faithfulness, restores our hearts, and renews our minds. During challenging seasons, worship redirects our attention to the One who makes all things new and reassures us that we are not alone. As we praise and worship God more, it helps us to surrender at His feet the anxieties and fears we continually carry. 

In marriage, a couple who worships together can experience God in new and refreshing ways. Worship can also bring the couple closer to God and each other. When a married couple is intentional about cultivating their relationship with God, it provides an invitation for God to move in their lives daily. Worship also helps married couples grow in grace, unite where there is division, and create peace where there is turmoil. Worship can help a couple replace griping with a spirit of gratitude. If you are looking to grow closer to God and renew your marriage, here are 5 ways that worship can make a marriage stronger:

1.Worship helps you grow closer to God.

When you develop a focused time to worship God as a couple, it helps you both grow closer to Him. It also helps minimize distractions and surrender various challenges over to Him. You can submit your praise reports and prayer requests in prayer. Listen to your favorite worship song together as a way to reconnect with God. When life’s demands have you both overwhelmed and drifting away from spending time with God, worshipping together can help you refocus on God.

Psalm 75:1 states “We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.”

Marriage is a covenant in God and worshipping Him acknowledges God’s ultimate sovereignty and covering in a marriage. 

Worship is not a one-time event, but it is cultivating a consistent discipline of spending time with the Father together. I encourage married couples to be creative as they deepen their worship time and relationship with Him. A couple can listen to worship music, read God’s Word and a devotional, journal together or make a gratitude list. God is not concerned about how we come to Him, but that we simply come. As a married couple worships together, God revitalizes broken places, reinvigorates attitudes, and changes perspectives. Let God move in you and your marriage through worship.

2. Worship helps you seek God’s Word for wisdom.

Another form of worship that can help strengthen a marriage is reading and meditating on God’s Word together. Applying God’s Word can give you direction, guidance, and wisdom for any challenge or season you may be facing as a couple. When you are trying to overcome challenges without God’s Word, frustration, confusion, and fatigue can set in. 

Psalm 119:105 states, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path.” 

When you are seeking direction, boldness, or courage, seek God’s Word. God’s Word will reveal practical steps, guidance, and insight for you as a couple as you move forward in Him. When we try to solve problems or overcome obstacles within our own strength, we grow weary, frustrated, and stuck. Partnering with God through praise, prayer, and worship helps a married couple to release unwanted anxieties and stress back to God. This reassurance reminds them they are not alone.

Seeking God’s Word together can help couples revive and restore broken places, seek forgiveness, and walk in God’s love and peace. As married couples, we can’t navigate marital challenges without God’s help and the work of the Holy Spirit. Today, I invite you to open up God’s Word together to be restored and revived. When you can’t see the way forward, seek God’s Word for wisdom, direction, and hope. 

3. Worship helps minimize distractions.

As life is busy and filled with daily demands, worship helps a couple re-focus and minimize distractions. They can surrender their anxieties, pray, and praise together, being restored with God’s Word and peace. God will help their troubled minds, calm their anxious spirits, and reconcile divided hearts. During worship, God will remind a married couple of the ways in which He has covered, strengthened, and guided them. 

When the noise of the world gets too loud and couples are distracted, worship helps them realign their thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors on God and His goodness. When conflict arises and a season of marriage seems overwhelming, worship helps a couple to be reminded by God why He brought them together in covenant. Oftentimes, the circumstances of a marriage can distract a couple of what brought them together in the first place. Today, I invite you to turn off the phone, limit social media, or other interests that divide your time, and turn to God who will renew your strength. 

4. Worship helps create a peaceful atmosphere.

Where there is discord or disagreements, worship will help create or restore an atmosphere of peace in the marriage or home. When a couple speaks out loud Scripture or sings songs of worship, it can tame tongues, guide words, and mend hearts. 

Psalm 100:2 states, “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” 

God will restore order and peace where there is chaos and confusion. Allow God’s peace to revive and redeem your hearts and minds together. Receiving God’s peace doesn’t mean your circumstances will immediately change, but it will change your perspective and reassure you that God is in control of your marriage. 

5. Worship helps you grow closer as a couple.

Worship can help a married couple grow closer together. When they are both focused on praising and worshipping God, they are able to cast any ongoing concerns over to Him and trust that He will guide and direct them. A renewed sense of confidence, wisdom, and reconciliation happens when we worship the Lord in spirit and truth. Worship also helps the couple give thanks to God for who He is, the ways He has kept them individually and collectively, and why God brought them together in covenant. In quiet time, a couple can focus on giving thanks for the things they appreciate about each other as well, and revisit them when needed for reaffirmation and encouragement. 

As we continue to move forward, may we constantly seek God with our whole hearts and worship Him in creative and new ways. Marriage is a gift from God, and I invite you to set aside quality time to come before the Father in worship. Allow worship to strengthen your relationship with Him, renew your mind and heart, minimize distractions, create a peaceful atmosphere, and restore your marriage in fresh ways. When life gets overwhelming and you need a reminder of why God brought you together in marriage, re-focus your attention on God. Worship Him for who He is, His continued faithfulness, provision, and steadfastness. When you worship God as a couple, it frees you to surrender any burdens or concerns over to Him. Let God’s Word and Holy Spirit speak to your marriage and breathe new life and hope into your covenant.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/MangoStarStudio

Kirstyn Mayden is a Christian blogger who writes devotionals that empower and equip believers in their everyday lives. She is a wife, Mom, and loves Jesus. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry capacities. She has a passion to serve with women empowering them to grow and live out their God-given purpose. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day. Connect with Kirstyn’s blog here.
