How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022

How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022


how to find your soulmate in 2022
Are you wondering how to find your soulmate in 2022? In spite of ongoing covid-19 scares like the Omicron variant?  And the failing effectiveness of the vaccines? In the face of lockdowns?  The reality is, you can!

After experiencing all the loneliness, isolation and fear of the pandemic, singles have come to value lasting love relationships more than ever.  Match’s 2021 Singles in America Study recently interviewed 5,000 singles.  53% of Match app daters said they are “prioritizing their search for a relationship more than before the pandemic.”  

Emotional intimacy and real connection have become more alluring:  69% of the Match group reported being more honest with their potential partners. Only 11% of the respondents in the Match study said they want to date casually!

So the pandemic has truly shifted the landscape of dating towards a longing for love that is real, meaningful, and soul-satisfying. 

Which means that it’s a very promising time to find love that meets the calling of your heart! You are currently living in what I call the Age of Abundant Love.  Research shows that now one in three marriages in the U. S. begins online. Online relationships progress to marriage faster. And they are happier marriages! Digital dating has improved the landscape of love. And Covid has actually enhanced that!

So here are Five Hacks to make real lasting love happen for you in 2022.

How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022, Hack #1:  Prioritize Finding Love

If you didn’t have a job and needed money—looking for one would be your absolute top priority. You would spend hours posting and searching sites like LinkedIn, scanning online recruiters, asking your friends, and jumping on any leads. On the other hand, finding love probably ranks pretty low on your to do list.  Think about it!

Do you spend hours binge-watching your favorite shows, Facebooking, e-mailing, texting, surfing, or shopping on Amazon because you have nothing better to do to fill your quarantine time?  Are you busy drinking and eating a bit too much or playing your digital game?  Are you better at planning your next binge-watch fest on Netflix than planning your dating life?

How about making a decision to change that in 2022?  One single, real decision to put your love life first and foremost will change everything.  One sincere decision will make it happen for you! Study after study has shown that relationships are treasured above all else when we think about what has meant the most in our lives. So make finding love in 2022 a top priority.

How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022. Hack #2: Go to Alumni and Professional Meetings or Events

This can work especially well for successful women who need to find more accomplished matches. As things safely open up for professional in-person conferences and events, take advantage of meeting like-minded singles. IRL interactions can spark an immediate chemistry.  Of course , virtual professional and alumni events are still good for meeting new matches too

How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022. Hack #3: Work Your Digital Dating Program

Throw out your old photo and profile.  Have a friend who is a good photographer, make that a great photographer, take 100 head shots of you in order to get one that looks especially warm, attractive and inviting.  Get some opposite-sex friends to help you pick out the best photo and work on your profile. Ask them what they love about  you and be sure to include all of that great stuff in your new profile!  Sign up for two digital dating sites.  I like Match (no affiliation) and Tinder (no affiliation)  because they have so many people on them and this gives you lots of choices.

Dating is a numbers game. After you post your photo and new profile,  spend at least three hours a week looking around digitally, sending and responding to messages and ultimately connecting by Zoom, Facetime, phone and (safely) in person with people.  Block out time in your daily calendar to work the program.


How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022. Hack #4 Date Against Type

Most people do not find love with the type of person they imagine for themselves.  The woman who dates starving artists winds up marrying a rich, balding lawyer. Love almost always comes in surprise packages.  Look at photos and profiles that you would ordinarily take a quick pass on.  For example, if you always go for the sleek metro-sexual, give the Midwesterner who just moved to your town a try.  If you go for the hotties, try someone who is has a heart of gold and maybe only a B+ on looks.  Try and experiment.

Even if you are not exactly blown away by a person at the first Zoom or Facetime date, remember to stay open.  You cannot know what secret goodies are hidden in someone just by meeting them once.  You have to let a potential partner unfold and show you his different sides.  If there is any connection with this person at all, give it another chance. Love almost always comes in a surprise package.

How to Find Your Soulmate in 2022. Hack #5: Get Active Politically

Because 2022 is an election year, and if you’re inclined, get active in supporting your party or candidates either virtually or IRL in a safe way.  This allows you to meet matches who want to make a difference in the same way that you do.  And, chances are they share your values and vision for the future.

So now you have your five-step plan for how to find your soulmate in 2022! In fact, if you want help with ending your loneliness once and for all, I will buy you a Breakthrough-to-Love session with one of my gifted coaches.  That’s my holiday gift to you.   xo
