How to Help Your Spouse Grow Spiritually

How to Help Your Spouse Grow Spiritually


We are admonished in the book of Acts 17:27 to seek the Lord God for in him we live and move and have our existence. Though we physically live in this world, we are not of this world. And we are not limited by the ways of the world.

Our ways of life, abilities, knowledge, and everything that makes us who we are should be geared towards the Lord. Our matrimonial lifestyle should align with the expectations of God. As a born-again couple, your body, mind, and soul should always be in tune with the Spirit of the Lord.  

As a couple, you are experiencing spiritual growth when the totality of your activities follows the teachings and leading of the Holy Spirit. You are both expected to be conscious and cautious of your actions, and live a Christ-like lifestyle always.

Spiritual growth starts when you both have your faith grounded in Christ, continually nurturing your faith and steadily attaining maturity in your relationship with Him.

As Christians, we must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, according to 2 Peter 3:18.

Why Do You Need Spiritual Growth as a Couple?

Spiritual growth helps you attain better knowledge of the things of the Spirit. When you grow spiritually, the grace of the Lord becomes more abundant upon you as an individual and in your marriage.

By growing spiritually, your faith in Christ also increases tremendously. It then becomes easier for you to overcome challenges in your individual lives and in your marriage. Spiritual growth endows you with uncompromising faith and confidence in Christ Jesus.

Your level of self-control and godliness are enhanced as you strive to attain spiritual maturity. You also develop a heightened sense of love, compassion, and kindness towards your spouse and everyone around you as you grow spiritually.

Spiritual growth helps you to achieve divine tranquility. Life begins to make more sense to you as you grow in spirit, and you will have peace of mind that’s reflected in your marriage as well. Instead of being constantly worked up by life problems, they will inspire you. They will draw you even closer to God, and you will learn to appreciate every good gift, especially your spouse.
