Listening to Your Inner Voice

Listening to Your Inner Voice


If you never imagined that a goose could teach you about making your relationships better, think again.

Here’s a bazaar true story that Susie’s daughter told her about a co-worker’s experience.

Ann was training for a marathon, running on a bike path in a major city where she lives. As she was running, a goose waddled onto the path and she ran around it.

When Ann made her second loop around the path, she saw a man playing defense with the same goose she had seen before.

By playing “defense,” we mean that the goose was chasing after the man and not allowing him to pass on the path.

The man decided to fool the goose and ran off into the woods. But as he did, the goose flew on the man’s back and started flapping its wings.

Ann tried to distract the goose and the goose started after her!

Now, Ann told Susie’s daughter that she isn’t necessarily “spiritual,” “religious,” or into personal growth but she did listen to a voice within her that said, “Be one with the goose.”

She dropped into a squat and safely waddled around the angry goose.

The point of this story is to indicate that when we listen to that small, still voice within–as Wayne Dyer called it–miraculous things happen in our lives.

So often we find ourselves relying on the chatter that goes on constantly in our minds and fear blocks us from hearing what is truly inside of us.

We’ve discovered that one of the keys to creating the kind of life and relationships that we want is to listen to that still, small voice within.

Just as the voice from within can guide and direct us for getting help when our car has broken down or finding our way in a strange city…

It can also help us to find someone we want to be with, be a better partner or parent to the people in our lives and to learn to love ourselves.

The key is that we must be open to hearing and acting on what we hear.

You might be wondering if the voice and the information that you are hearing is your true inner voice and is really worth following or not.

What we have experienced is in order to know whether to follow that still, small voice from within, you have to determine whether it’s speaking from a place of fear or love.

We’ve also found that in order to hear that true voice, it’s helpful to calm your mind’s chatter by meditation, deep breathing, taking a moment for yourself, a walk in the woods or some other way that appeals to you.

Ann listened to the voice within and in her words, became “one with the goose” and was able to get around it without being harmed.

So, this week we invite you to remember Ann and her experience with the goose and begin to be more open to listening to your inner voice of love within.

When you do, we think that your life and your relationships will begin to open to more possibilities and to the flow of good things that are available to all of us.

Want help discerning the voice of love from the voice of fear? Contact us here… 
