Remember These 9 Things When Another Christian Disappoints You

Remember These 9 Things When Another Christian Disappoints You


Maybe it’s your pastor or mentor.

Maybe it’s someone in your Bible study.

Maybe it’s a famous Christian in the news.

They’ve sinned. They’ve said they believe one thing and lived like they believed something else. Their life is messier than you could have imagined, and you feel disappointed, angry, confused, disillusioned, sad . . .

How are we supposed to feel when other Christians miss God’s mark? How can we cope with the chaos other people’s sin creates? What should we say (if anything?)

Here are nine things to keep in mind when another Christian disappoints you.

Erin Davis is passionate about pointing young women toward God’s Truth. She is the author of several books and a frequent speaker and blogger to women of all ages. Erin lives on a small farm in the midwest with her husband and kids. When she’s not writing, you can find her herding goats, chickens, and children.

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