Soulmate Definition: What Do You Want In a Soulmate Partner?

Soulmate Definition: What Do You Want In a Soulmate Partner?


soulmate definition
Are you wondering about a soulmate definition? The key question to ask yourself is: What would it be like to be with my true Soulmate? To be in a relationship that meets the calling of my heart?  Or, if you are in a relationship, what would a deeper level of love be like with my current partner?

You have to be clear in your mind in order to find the love that feels like you have come home…that makes you feel chosen, cherished, and head over stilettos in love. You want to actually envision and experience it before it happens—to help it unfold.

There is no need to be shy or embarrassed about what you want or how realistic it may seem to you. Be honest with yourself and let yourself picture your ideal life with your soulmate. You DECIDE what kind of Soulmate love calls to you. Emotionally. Intellectually. Physically. Spiritually. And as a Life Partner.  I will help you experience the different sides of soulmate  love and make them come alive for you.  See if, or how much they call to your heart.

Soulmate Definition: 1. What Would soulmate love Be Like Emotionally?



  • Creating a sense of coming home, a WE-ness with a shared connection and trust that deepens over time
  • Feeling peaceful, settled, relaxed and just being yourself
  • Expressing your REAL thoughts and feelings and feel completely understood
  • Be able to wipe away your bitterness and pain from the past
  • Feeling like you are with your absolute BFF


Soulmate Definition: 2. What would soulmate love be like Intellectually?



  • Being able to brainstorm, plan and do things EASILY together
  • Finishing each other’s sentences
  • Feeling understood, like you get each other completely
  • Discovering how clever or witty YOU really are
  • Helping each other manifest dreams that have meaning and passion


Soulmate Definition:  3. What would soulmate love be like Physically?



  • Feeling like you are having an affair, with mad attraction and passion that grows over time
  • Having your sensual and sexual NEEDS MET fully
  • Shaing tender eye contact, caring touch, holding, and sweet affection
  • Fitting and molding together like two connecting puzzle pieces

Soulmate Definition:  4. What would it be like Spiritually?


  • Feeling like your partner was sent by God or your Higher Power
  • Relaxing in the knowledge that your relationship is protected and strengthened by God or your Higher Power
  • Experiencing unseen hands helping you navigate the rocky times you may encounter
  • Having a sense of a shared spiritual or religious mission


Soulmate Definition:  5.  What would soulmate love be like As Partners in Living?



  • Sharing or feeling free of financial burdens and responsibilities
  • Having help in parenting your children
  • Handing over pain-in-the-butt household chores so that you have more time to relax or enjoy yourself
  • Planning and being together for life ADVENTURES small and large
  • Partnering in a work or leisure activity
  • Being on a shared mission to make a real difference in the world together


So write down any thoughts from this Soulmate Definition exercise that inspire you, that make you feel good or great when you think about them!  What is the love experience you want to give yourself right now?   Now go ahead and envision it fully. In fact, make a vision board with some photos and phrases that carry these images that speak to you.  And be sure to look at it daily!  Because, you will be amazed at what happens in your love life!


