Text Ideas for your Girlfriend or Wife

Woman in bed with blanket as she reads good night messages for her


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Communication is a crucial element in every relationship, but especially important is how we end our day together. Whether you’re looking for good night messages for her because she lives across town or you’re sending off a good night message for your wife before you join her upstairs, we’ve got plenty of ideas for clever goodnight messages for her!

Sweet, spicy, and a little of everything in between, there are goodnight texts for your girlfriend, goodnight texts for your wife, and goodnight texts that are naughty and nice!

Sweet Goodnight Messages for Your Girlfriend

Woman in bed smiling as she reads goodnight texts for girlfriend

1. I know we just saw each other a little bit ago, but I miss you so much I’m actually looking forward to going to sleep so I can dream of you.

2. I had an awesome time with you today, thank you for being you.

3. There are worse things in life than being so distracted by memories of your awesome girlfriend that you can’t even get to sleep… sigh, good night!

4. Wishing you were here so I could give you a huge hug before bed… guess I’ll have to just hope I see you in my dreams!

5. I actually consider myself really lucky to have a girlfriend that makes me miss her so much. Good night!

6. Even just holding my phone in my hand and texting you makes me feel closer to you. Good night, hon!

7. To the woman that is the star of my day and the star of my dreams, good night!

8. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, just have to bridge the stupid gap between now and then with some sweet dreams of you, I guess…

9. Sweet dreams to my sweet dream girl!

10. I’m so all about you, I’m literally excited to go to sleep so I can dream about you!

11. I’m trying to get to bed so I can at least dream about you again, but I’m just laying here grinning like a cheeseball thinking of you and it’s keeping me up!

12. In a battle with myself: too excited to sleep because I can’t wait to see you again tomorrow, but know the sooner I get to sleep the sooner I get to see you tomorrow… you’ve got me all mixed up over here, but I don’t mind 😉

13. The way you keep running through my mind keeps me pretty hopeful that I’ll be seeing you in my dreams tonight. Good night!

14. I wish I could fall asleep on my own here, but there’s something missing in my arms here and oh! It’s you.

15. I’m going to text you goodnight every night, but I’m just letting you know I’d much prefer to be saying this as we snuggle to sleep.

16. I’m excited to at least be able to dream about you each night, but dream you is not as good as the real thing! Good night, babe.

17. I miss you when we’re apart, but at least I know I can see you in my dreams.

18. You are the sweetest girlfriend ever, just wish we didn’t have to be apart right now.

19. Guess I need to hurry up and get my butt to sleep so I can get to the part where I get to see you tomorrow! Good night.

20. Goodnight texts for girlfriends are way behind the times if I can’t even freakin teleport myself magically over to you. This sucks, I miss you!

21. I don’t count sheep to fall asleep. I count all the reasons I’m crazy lucky to have you as my girlfriend.

22. Sending you a virtual hug before bed… good night!

23. Sweet dreams to my dream come true!

24. I’ve got pictures of you, I’ve got videos of you, I’ve got texts from you… but nothing compares to the real deal. I miss you, good night. 

25. I love how we can hang out and do basically nothing together and still have a great time. You’re awesome, good night!

26. I’m just laying here trying to sleep, smiling to myself like a big dork thinking of you. Hope you’re having a good night.

Steamy Goodnight Text Messages for Her

Woman in bed with blanket as she reads good night messages for her

27. I just keep thinking of you and all the things we did today… you know the ones I’m talking about! Ugh, I miss you. All of you.

28. I know it’s nice that we can still text and stuff while we’re apart, but not being able to reach out and touch you, kiss you, do all the many things I’d like to be doing with you right now is not easy!

29. I can’t even be mad that you’re so freakin hot I can’t quit thinking about you even when I’m trying to get to sleep… you’ve got me all worked up here, babe!

30. Sweet dreams over there, hon… hopefully they’ll be a little spicy, too 😉

31. All I can think of is all of the things we would be doing if we were together right now and how can I even be expected to sleep in these conditions??? 

32. Yeah, I like it when you’re being sweet to me, but have I told you how much your spicy side drives me wild??? Oh, cannot wait to dream of you tonight!

33. I wish we were closer so I could show you how much you are driving me crazy rn… and maybe I could drive you a little crazy too 😉

34. After the fun we had today, I’m looking forward to some pretty spicy dreams tonight…

35. I love how I get to dream of you each night when I go to sleep, but I can almost guarantee my dreams of you tonight will NOT be PG.

36. I swear I can still smell you over here. I’m just going to be over here trying to go to sleep while my body is on fire missing you.

37. Missing you, your lips, your touch, your EVERYTHING. Good night, babe.

38. I’m going to hop in the shower before I come to bed tonight… wink, wink, nudge, nudge?

39. Over here trying to cool off because you keep getting me all worked up when we’re so far apart… it’s cool, though, I’ll take it. Good night <3

40. You thinking you might have some spicy dreams tonight after the day we had?

41. I’m just thinking of you and how muy caliente you are… oooooh I just KNOW you’re going to be in my dreams tonight!

42. Hoping my dreams of you are as naughty as my thoughts of you are right now… sweet and spicy dreams, babe!

43. As tired as I am, if you were here, sleeping would be the very last thing on my mind.

Loving Goodnight Texts for Your Wife

Woman in bed smiling reading goodnight text messages for wife

44. I’m almost finished up here, can’t wait for my favorite part of the day… when I get to crawl in bed next to you. Good night, babe.

45. Doesn’t matter how long we’ve been together, I still get excited when I think of coming home to you. Will be home soon, good night!

46. Keep the bed warm for me, babe, I’m on my way! 

47. Miss you so much, can’t wait until I’m back home to snuggle you to sleep each night. Good night, hon.

48. For the woman that has made it so I absolutely HATE to sleep alone now, I love you and good night!

49. Something about knowing you’re tucked into our bed waiting for me just makes me deliciously happy… sweet dreams, I’ll see you soon!

50. I know you’re laying right here asleep next to me, but I just had to tell you that you are absolutely adorable when you sleep and it’s making it hard to get to sleep. Hope you’re having the sweetest dreams, my love.

51. Marriage is awesome because I know I get to snuggle into you each night. Good night, love.

52. Marriage is basically the best thing ever because it means we get to be snuggle buddies for the rest of our lives and I am really, really missing my snuggle buddy tonight. Love you, hon. 

53. Day after day, year after year, you’re still my favorite part of the day. I’m missing you tonight, hon. Good night and sweet dreams.

54. Reasons our bed is way better than this stupid one I’m stuck in tonight: You’re in it. Miss you, good night!

55. Good night over the phone always means it’s not as good a night as it would be if we were together. Love you, good night.

56. Some people don’t even have wives to miss back at home, so I’ll count myself lucky to be missing you so much right now. Good night, babe.

57. Good night to my beautiful wife, wish I was snuggled in next to you right now!

58. I almost wish you weren’t such an amazing wife so I didn’t have to miss you so much when I’m away… JK, good night, love you!

59. Somehow it’s even harder being away like this at bedtime than it was before we lived together. Now I know what I’m missing when I’m away! Good night hon.

60. Love means always missing someone when you’re apart, I guess? Miss you hon, wish I was there all snuggled up with you.

61. Business Trip That Makes Me Unable To Snuggle With You At Night: 0/0 stars, do not recommend.

62. You’ve spoiled me. I hate not snuggling you at night now. I used to be able to sleep alone, I swear!

63. So how much do I need to keep this job that keeps me from snuggling up to you each night? Remind me, babe, because I miss you so much right now!

64. Not having you home to kiss good night is not my favorite, but do be prepared to make up for all this distance when you get home, k?

65. Does your work know how much I miss my wife when she’s not here to snuggle at night? Because I feel like if they knew, they would take pity on us and send you home, lol.

66. Good night to my gorgeous wife, can’t wait to love on you in person again.

67. My favorite part of my night is crawling in bed with you and my favorite part of my morning is waking up next to you… miss you hon, good night!

68. Have I told you that when I crawl into bed next to you at night, lifting our covers always feels like I’m opening a little present, the gift of snuggling into my beautiful wife!

69. Wifey, I miss you. Hope you’re having a good night!

70. Good night is kind of impossible for me when I can’t snuggle you to sleep, but I’ll wish you one anyway! Good night, hon.

Sending loving text messages to your person is always a sweet move, so follow up the next morning with some sweet good morning messages and then keep it going with flirty texts throughout the day!

Letting her know you’re thinking of her when you’re apart is a sweet way to keep your relationship strong and show affection so have fun and text away!

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