Are you wondering how to compete with another woman for a man? Or maybe you’re currently in the midst of competing with another woman for a man, and you want to give yourself the best chances.
There are few things that can be as defeating as the feeling that another woman is better than you, or that she might take what is rightfully yours, just because she seems to have a few advantages…
First, I want to tell you that it’s OK that you have that feeling.
It’s not evil, or wrong. I’d have to search far and wide to find a woman who (if she was totally honest with herself) hasn’t ever felt sad or upset over the thought that another woman is better than she is – and may take a man away from her.
(Click here to download the “Goddess Report”)

How To Compete With Another Woman For A Man: Offer THIS
The first step to successfully competing with another woman for a man is to focus on offering him the gift of your feminine radiance.
Related: What Exactly IS Feminine Radiance & Why You Need It As A Woman.
Why would you want to focus on offer your feminine radiance?
Well, firstly it would be for your own sanity. It’s never nice as a woman to have to compete with another woman for a man’s affection, love and commitment.
Competition doesn’t really serve or enrich your feminine soul – the feminine thrives on praise, whilst the masculine thrives on challenge.
This means that when you compete with another woman for a man, you’re going to be engaging your masculine energy somewhat, and there’s nothing wrong with that – it’s necessary to get the job done.
Regardless, you need to nurture your feminine in order to actually win the man as well!
A man is not going to perceive much value in you for a relationship if you’re always in your masculine.
So this is the first step. Plus, no woman who is feminine at her core is truly happy unless she is giving her feminine gift to the world.
All of us, man or woman, want to give our feminine or masculine gifts, and if we ever feel as though we cannot do this, it dampens our spirits, defeats us and it can be crippling.
One of the best gifts of femininity is radiance.
Radiance encompasses the following things:
- Integrity
- Beauty
- Compassion
- Personal happiness
- Charm
- Sexiness
- Honesty
- Vulnerability.
Having deeper radiance as a woman makes you more competitive for the best men in the dating pool. Because as my husband D.Shen once said:
“Radiance is for a woman what confidence is for a man.”
True radiance is not something many women currently have, as this modern society causes many women to lose their natural radiance through work, pressure to chase masculine hobbies or ambitions, being overwhelmed by too many responsibilities, and being fed with BS from trashy media.
The overwhelming feeling among many women is that they are not enough, and it’s just not possible to be truly radiant when you feel this way.
It’s a big encumbrance. When you feel like you are not enough, it’s easy, and very possible, for you to start feeling upset or defeated over your perception that another woman has everything you don’t, at every little external trigger.
Then you become a walking, gaping sore. The slightest trigger and you succumb to the feeling of low self worth.
QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz!
Living life this way is pretty crap, no?
Most women deal with the feeling that they are not enough by acting pitiful.
We do things like trying to control our man, we act and feel inferior (almost as if our existence is not meant to be).
We bitch about (or actively try to destroy) other women who are a ‘threat’, making the people around us suffer by doing depression.
Ultimately, women try to deal with their insecurity in low value ways by:
- Getting bigger boobs
- Buying shoes with a bigger price tag
- Getting blonder or faker hair
- Bigger and more plastic lips… and so on.
Men don’t perceive actual value in these things. They are simply things that women do in order to avoid feeling like they are ‘not enough’.
Remember that.
If you’re competing with another woman for a man, you should try to remember that to win him, you have to add real value to him and his life. That’s where the real answer lies.
But a lot of women don’t see this…they focus too hard on ‘the other woman’ and what she has, what she is doing, and how she’s trying to ‘one up’ them.
Don’t put your focus there!
While you think your competition is that woman over there; your real competition is actually just hopelessness.
A sense of feeling un-empowered, defeated and thinking that you have no control or power over the situation.
Your competition really is not Jan, Hannah, Sarah, or Miss stuck-up. It’s hopelessness. It’s passiveness. It’s choosing the low value mindset of mediocrity.
Mediocrity is what many people settle for, out of fear and desire for comfort.
Your focus should be on becoming a woman of value to men and to the people you love. Instead, you should trade in your low value mindset for a high value mindset. We can show you how to do this in our program High Value Mindsets.
(The promise of this program is to give you the ability to “trade in” your anxiety and insecurities for self esteem, self worth and intrinsic confidence, so that no one will ever take you for granted & high value men will recognise you as an indispensable “keeper”.)
There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. Do you know what these signs are and how to avoid them like the plague? CLICK HERE to download this special report.
Your Competition is Not Other Women, It’s THIS
Stop comparing yourself to every other woman whom you may think is prettier, higher status, smarter, or who has a better body, and start putting in the time and effort towards the goals that really matter.
(Not everything that causes envy or jealousy inside you is worth competing for! You have to be sure that the goal is worth the energy.)
Always comparing yourself to other people’s lives and achievements is a good way to get connection with yourself, and to feel sorry for yourself.
The secret to beating female ‘competition’ is knowing that the competition is not them; it’s your negative thought patterns that lead to a sense of hopelessness. This is why it’s important you have high standards.
Most people try to feel certain and avoid disappointment by feeling as though they could never ‘compare’.
Rather the devil you know than the devil you don’t know, as the saying goes.
(They do this by feeling as though a good life, a good boyfriend, a good family, is beyond them.)
Want an exercise in futility? Then you can think that way. You could never ever feel empowered by doing this. You could never ever feel great about yourself.
There Are Exactly 7 Signs That A Woman is Perceived as Low Value to Men. Do You Know What They Are? (& How to Avoid Them Like the Plague)? Click here to find out right now…

how to compete with another woman for a man? Focus on Value, Not HER
Take your focus off the other woman. It will sap your energy and your dignity.
Face it:
There will always be some things, traits or achievements that ‘she’ has that you don’t have. And there will always be traits and achievements that you have, that she cannot replicate.
So, if your goal is to win the man, then focus on him and add real value to his life. Don’t focus on her!
You are playing a game you cannot win. To ‘compare’ yourself to Miss A or B is to drive yourself to a dead end. There’s no way you can ever win. Ever.
It’s just an illusion.
So, know that no matter how great you are, there’s always going to be someone prettier, hotter, taller, younger, older, smarter, having a better career, or having higher status.
As you read this sentence, another 2 dozen babies are born into this world, younger than you. You can’t ever ‘compare’.
And for those of you (which is all of us) who have ever compared yourself to someone whom you considered to be ‘lower’ than you, uglier than you, fatter than you, less intelligent than you – know that the high you get from this is ephemeral.
The key is to focus on what you can do, and what you can control. You can always contribute more, give more, love more, live more and be more. And that makes you ultimately worthy.
Work daily to become better than you were yesterday.
Speaking of working to become the better you, click here to visit the list of our programs.
What do you think about this post? Do you think women are too competitive?
Have you had any bad experiences with competitive women you can tell us about? Do you often find yourself comparing yourself to other women?
By the way, I’ve just published my brand new program titled “Becoming His One & Only!”…Click HERE to find out more details and how you can get your man to fall deeper in love with you and beg you to be his one and only.

Renee is the founder of The Feminine Woman & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. Together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 15 million women through their free articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.
Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below.