Why Do I Need Close Friends?

Why Do I Need Close Friends?


Jesus said to His disciples, “No longer said do I call you servants, but I have called you friends” (John 15:15).

Before Jesus went to Jerusalem to die, he stopped along the way to see his good friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

Jesus had the Twelve disciples (well, eleven anyway), and three of these were His intimate friends.

Jesus shared His glory with Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration. He wanted his three best friends to experience the joyous shining of His glory with Him. He didn’t want to experience His transfiguration alone.

Jesus was struggling in the Garden the night before the crucifixion. He pleaded with His disciples to watch and pray for Him. He needed his close friends to provide encouragement and comfort.

Unfortunately, in that case, they did not measure up to the task. That happens sometimes.

Every Christian needs close friends to walk with through life.

2. We live in a lonely culture. Everyone could use some friends.

I was sitting in the Tulsa airport when the man next to me began talking about friends.

He shared that he didn’t have any. In fact, he told me that recently his wife said to him, “You need some friends.”

“So, I went out and bought a dog. You know, dogs are a man’s best friend!”

Is that sad or what?

Don’t get me wrong; dogs can be wonderful companions. My daughter, Brianna, says that God must have created dogs right before Eve, because they love well, respond to emotion, and show loyalty.

But don’t miss this. Even in the Garden of Eden, even with the Creator as his companion, God looked at Adam’s loneliness and said, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper fit for him.” So, he created Eve.

God created us to live in relationship with one another.

3. Our world is filled with people who outwardly look content but inwardly are crying out for someone to love them.

Many are confused, lonely, frustrated, frightened, guilty, and unable to communicate, even with their own families.

Other people look so happy and contented that we seldom have the courage to admit our own deep needs.

Don’t be fooled. If only these people who seem so happy and contented would just take off their masks, we would often see that they are in as much pain as we are—perhaps even more.

