10 Needy Things Men Do That Turn Women Off

10 Needy Things Men Do That Turn Women Off


Needy Things Men Do That Turn Women Off

Having Needs Vs Being Needy

There’s a fine line between having needs and being needy in a relationship. While both men and women can act needy there are 10 needy things men do that turn women off.

It’s a topic that can make or break your dating and relationship game faster than you can say, “Please love me.”

When a man acts needy, a woman can’t get aroused by him, because she’s experiencing him as a child, not a man.

Let’s take a look at the needy things men do that turn women off and what you can say and do instead to keep her flame of desire flickering for you. Plus, how to stop being needy.

This video is for men and women and I will be using the term “partner” where it applies to both.

Although most men don’t want a needy woman, women get away with neediness more often because men become rescuers of damsels in distress. Meanwhile, women become bossy mommies. Neither is healthy.

Reminder: I’m not the Creator, just the decoder. Decoding isn’t condoning.

If you’re new to my site, I help men decode modern women so you can find, attract, and keep your keeper—or have better relationships with women. Welcome to Just The Tip!

Watch the video below or here.

NEED Extra Help Dealing With Neediness?

Online Therapy

If you consistently feel unworthy, go for toxic women, or become overly dependent on her when you do find a good woman, it’s time to get extra help.

You may benefit from therapy.

There is nothing shameful about hiring a professional to guide you.

To learn more about the online therapy company I recommend for men click here. (Sadly, some popular online therapy companies are biased in favour of women, which doesn’t help anyone.)

If you’ve already whole-heartedly tried my WakeUP2Luv self-development program and feel you don’t deserve the kind of woman with the essential qualities you want, it’s time to give yourself the gift of therapy.

With my WakeUP2Luv program or a therapist, you’ll start believing you deserve the kind of love you crave…and you won’t scare her away by being needy.

Take action today, you deserve to be happy.

I believe in you! ~ xo Anna

Needy Things Men Do That Turn Women Off

