3 Mistakes Women (Over 40) Make When Dating



Let me start by clarifying that both women and men of ALL ages make a LOT of mistakes when dating (myself included back when I was single). But this video is focused on you ladies in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.

When you’re dating later in life, your lifestyle has probably changed, your priorities have dramatically shifted, and the man you’re looking to attract may be different too. But what I’ve noticed with my clients is that these changes cause women over 40 to date differently than they did in their 20s.

Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You might be a lot clearer on what you want now. You might have a lot more on your plate. And therefore, you might be more intentional and focused when it comes to dating.

But what you don’t want to do is lose the magic of meeting someone new, connecting with them, and flirting. Just because you’re older now, it doesn’t mean that dating can’t still be this beautiful, fun experience that you get to enjoy.

Here are the 3 most common dating mistakes women over 40 make.

Make these three small shifts and watch how your dating experience transforms.

You’ll have a more positive outlook on dating as an older woman. You’ll find yourself drawing more of the kind of men you want to meet into your world. Dating will finally feel fun again and fill you with excitement and wonder. And this is what you deserve.

Sound good?

Make sure you watch the video through to the end and make a note of these three mistakes so you can be mindful of them as you move forward on your dating journey.

Your Coach,

dating mistakes women over 40 make

PS. If you’re ready to start making men pursue you for love, then join me on this free webinar to discover the 3 steps to building emotional attraction – Register here to get started (it’s 100% free).

