3 Things Women Instantly Notice About You!

3 Things Women Instantly Notice About You!


Things Women Instantly Notice About You

There are three things women instantly notice about you that turn her on and one surprising thing that turns her off.

It’s always best to leave a positive lasting first impression and you will if you pay attention to these three things almost all women instantly notice about you.

From the moment she first sees you, she’s evaluating whether you’re a yes, no or maybe.

And all of this is happening within seconds at a subconscious level.

You do not have time to entice her if you get these first three things wrong.

If she’s already someone you know, you’ll have to be extra brave to change her impression of you.

And, even if you get past her moat, if you do “this” one thing, she may never see you as sexual or relationship material.

Things Women Instantly Notice

Major Turn Ons

1. How well you’re put together


You don’t need to wear the latest fashions, but you’ve got to be well put together.

Wear clothes that:
  • Are clean and in good repair
  • Fit you properly
  • Show your personality at it’s best

If your clothes are dirty, disheveled or don’t fit properly, she’ll think you’ve given up on life.

That’s not a turn on.


If you dress to suit (pun) the 10% more confident side of your personality, you’ll look better but more importantly you’ll feel more confident.

That’s a turn on.

And that will impact your attitude in a positive way.

Same with grooming.

Grooming basics:
  • Unstained, plaque-free teeth
  • Proper hair cut
  • Groomed facial hair
  • Clean finger nails (unless you’re working, of course)
  • Showered
  • Deodorant

How well put together you are tells her a lot about you and is one of the first three things 99.7% of women instantly notice about you!

You won’t even get to the next trait if you’re not well put together because she either won’t notice you at all or won’t notice you in a good way.

Which brings us to…

2. Your ability to make strong eye contact


  • Self-assurance
  • Masculine dominance

Just like with wild animals, the first to look away submits to the dominance of the other.

Being able to make strong eye contact shows you’re not intimidated and proves your masculine dominance.

Key point!

Strong eye contact doesn’t necessarily mean uninterrupted eye contact.

You don’t want to stare her down in a creepy way.

But you do want to make it more than a furtive, cursory or shy glance which shows intimidation, fear, low self-worth or disinterest.

And if she’s also dominant, she may purposefully hold eye contact to test your dominance and to see who “wins.”

But if you maintain your masculine frame by being playful with the situation, it will still be a turn on, whether or not you let her win.

Just be prepared for a confident woman.

And strong eye contact leads us to the next juicy tip…

Of all the three things women instantly notice about you, this one is the riskiest but offers the most reward.

3. Your appraisal of her


  • Standards
  • Self-worth
  • High Value

Higher standards = higher self valuation.

Having standards because you know you’re worthy is healthy, whether a man or woman.

Key Point!

Having high standards is not the same as being a narcissist, boastful or entitled whether or not you have something to back it up.

When you look at her appraisingly, it turns the tables and she instantly feels like she’s the one who has to make the cut for you.

A man with high self-worth and high standards is automatically perceived as having higher value, even if he doesn’t.


If she’s not clearly indicated interest or intrigue in you by smiling, blushing, having sparkly eyes etc, then don’t do this unless you are good friends, can do it in a playful manner.

If she’s indicated some interest, check her out from top to bottom from eye contact to feet skimming past her tatas and cookie without pause, then back to eye contact, seem to ponder, then grin or nod approvingly.

This bold and audacious move will definitely give her butterflies if she is interested.

Depending on the situation and your personality, you may go for mysterious seriousness or playful goofiness.

Stay true to you while getting out of your comfort zone.

Key Point!

Any time you try something new you’re going to fumble, so when you’re just starting out don’t try to be perfect.

The only goal is to do it and evaluate. And then do it again, and keep trying and re-evaluating until it gets easy and you become more proficient at it.

Ok, now for one of a few things women instantly notice that is a turn off…

Major Turn Off

Apologizing excessively or when not necessary


  • Low self-esteem
  • Low value
  • Weakness

Key point!

Apologizing doesn’t always include the words, “I’m sorry” or “I apologize.”

It can show up in your words or actions by you feeling unworthy of her because of any small inconvenience or affront to her.


You ask her out but include the words, “It’s ok if you say ‘no.’”

That’s like you apologizing in advance for the inconvenience of her having to reject an unworthy prospect.

If she didn’t think you were unworthy before this statement, now that you’ve indicated your worth, she’ll feel the same way, unless her interest is really high or her self-worth is really low.

Women mirror your feelings about you.

Unnecessary or excessive apologizing shows low self-esteem, lack of self worth and ultimately weakness.

Key Point!

It’s ok to cause tension when asking a woman out. You need some tension for the potential of sexual attraction.

What to Do Instead?

Unless you’ve really messed up big time, you want to change your apologies into thank you’s.

Instead of saying:

“Sorry, I’m late” say, “Thank you for you patience.”

When you don’t reply to her text for hours, don’t say, “Sorry for not replying back sooner” or “It was busy at the gym today” don’t even acknowledge it just pick up where you left off.

Don’t say, “Sorry” for every little thing.

Save your “sorry” for when you’ll really need it.

Thank you for watching all the way to the end and special thanks to those of you running my playlists in the background to help out my channel!

And if you have a question or topic you’d like me to do a video on please head on over to YouTube and leave a short comment on my most recent video.

God bless!

