Answers to All of Your Sex Therapy Questions

Answers to All of Your Sex Therapy Questions


What is Sex Therapy?

Couples experience many ups and downs throughout a relationship, but none more impactful than issues in the bedroom. When intimacy issues are present, and specifically long-lasting, it’s important to consider sex therapy as an option for getting help, finding solutions, and communicating about your individual needs.

Have you ever wondering what exactly is sex therapy? Sex therapy is a type of counseling or talk therapy where couples confront intimacy issues. In sex therapy, you gain the tools to overcome physical and emotional barriers to intimacy and transform your relationship in the process.

A husband and wife lying in bed enjoying the benefits of their sex therapy session. | The Dating Divas
A couple brought closer together through sex therapy.

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What to Expect in Sex Therapy

Wondering what does a sex therapist actually do? When you enter a sex therapy session, here’s what you can expect.

Sex therapy sessions occur in an office setting, with no touching or nudity at any time. Instead, you and the therapist will sit across from each other and discuss any concerns, experiences, trauma, or dysfunction relating to your sex life.

Couples can go to sex therapy and work through issues together with a sex therapist, or an individual can work independently with the therapist.

A couple learning together through sex therapy. | The Dating Divas
A couple growing together during a session of sex therapy.

You may worry that googling “sex therapist near me,” scheduling an appointment with a stranger, and sitting down with the therapist to spill out all of your intimate secrets is too far out of your comfort zone. After all, we are programmed to feel ashamed of discussing our sexuality. So speaking to a stranger about your sex life can be anxiety-inducing.

However, consider this question: What does a sex therapist do all day? Talk about sex—they have heard it all! So while it may be uncomfortable for you at first, the therapist will guide the discussion, and you will quickly see that this is a controlled setting where it’s safe to talk about anything.

If you have thought about what a sex therapist actually does, what issues a sex therapist could treat, if you could benefit from sex therapy, or “how do I find a sex therapist near me?” you are in the right place. The information and resources below can ease your discomfort and guide you through the process of getting the help you may need.

Benefits of Sex Therapy

A healthy, natural, pleasurable sex life is crucial in a happy marriage. Intimacy is a bonding experience only shared between the two of you. Additionally, a satisfying sex life connects you more securely to your partner. Conversely, intimacy issues lead to disconnection, which is why it is one of the leading causes of divorce.

A sexually frustrated man wondering, "what does a sex therapist do and help with?" | The Dating Divas
A couple lacking in sexual intimacy deciding to search for a sex therapist.

Positive feelings about sex directly affect your relationship. In fact, sex therapy can help transform your experience with sex from negative to positive.

Some of the benefits of sex therapy can include:

  • Learning to manage anxiety relating to sex.
  • Acquiring skills for more pleasurable, arousing sex.
  • The ability to communicate more clearly with your partner about your sexual wants and needs.
  • Gaining insight into the mind-body connection for more comfortable, natural desires.
  • Identifying the physical issues restricting your sex life.
  • Working through habits that hinder your ability to give or receive love intimately.
  • Obtaining resources for resolving underlying medical issues that are contributing to poor sex performance.
A couple that benefitted from learning the answer to the question, "What does a sex therapist do?" | The Dating Divas
A husband and wife who finally learned the answer to the question, “what does a sex therapist do?”

So if you are struggling in the intimacy department, consider seeking help now. Don’t wait to see how things progress over the next several months. Be proactive and get the benefits of sex therapy now!

Who needs a Sex Therapist?

If your sex life is not entirely pleasurable and satisfying, you could benefit from sex therapy. Whether things have been a little off between you and your spouse lately or if you have unresolved issues from past trauma, sex therapy can help. So what problems do sex therapists commonly address?

A frustrated couple in need of guidance from a sex therapist. | The Dating Divas
A sexually frustrated couple that could benefit from a sex therapist.

Of note: this is not a comprehensive list. The issues listed above are the most common, but there are many other concerns that sex therapy can also address. If you don’t see your specific problem listed here, it is still worth reaching out to a sex therapist because they can help with all types of situations.

How to Find a Sex Therapist

There are therapists who specialize in sex and intimacy. Finding a licensed professional with a background and experience in sex therapy should be the #1 factor when looking for a sex therapist.

A woman trying to search for a "sex therapist near me." | The Dating DIvas
A couple completing an online Google search for “a sex therapist near me.”

The Psychology Today site is far more reliable than merely googling “sex therapist near me.” Once on their website, you can use the following steps:

  1. Type in your zip code and press enter.
  2. You will see a page of therapists. There is a button titled “Issues.” Clicking it will open a drop-down menu.
  3. From the “Issues” drop-down menu, select “Sex Therapy.”
  4. Browse the pictures, descriptions, credentials, and contact information.
  5. Use the contact information to make an appointment.

If you have trouble with this method or do not find the results you need, you can also visit the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists website. The site allows you to also find a list of licensed therapists. If you cannot find sex therapists near you, you may want to consider virtual therapy.

A couple with a great sex life because of sex therapy. | The Dating Divas
A couple that has a better sex life because of sex therapy.

It’s important to keep in mind that different therapists’ personalities can affect your comfort and progress, as with all healthcare providers. So if you have an appointment and it doesn’t feel like the right fit, try again! Search for a new sex therapist and get the help to improve your sex life and your relationship!
