How These 4 Words Keep You From Finding Mr. Right!

How These 4 Words Keep You From Finding Mr. Right!


How These 4 Words Keep You From Finding Mr. Right!

How many hours have you spent looking at men online thinking this man looks nice but . . . HE’S NOT MY TYPE!

Maybe he lives in a different part of town . . . or he’s not the same religion . . . or he’s too old . . . or he’s too young or he’s just not Mr. Right based on who you think you want.  

For my client Anne, she’d see lots of men online who were extremely athletic.  

To her, a man like this was narcissistic because he was so super toned.

In her mindset-she equated that into the belief he was so into himself.

And she feared a man would try and change her. 

Her body was curvy and she’d finally gotten to a place where she liked herself just the way she was. 

However, she was afraid of being judged by these super toned men for not meeting their standards of fitness.

So she judged a man first and totally knocked them off her list of possibilities before he had a chance to reject her. 

And she told herself he just wasn’t her type.

She got to a point where every man was not her type and that’s when she found me.

Then Anne joined my Love after 50 Group.

She created her Quality Man Template –  something all my clients do.

It’s a tool that gave a woman a clear vision of what in a man is truly going to make her happy at this time in her life.

And that’s when Anne met her guy!

The funny thing is, he’d have been one of those “NOT MY TYPE” guys back before she had this tool, and she would have clicked Next! and missed a wonderful relationship.

And that’s why I want to share 3 reasons you want to banish “he’s not my type” from your vocabulary when it comes to over 50’s dating.

It could be keeping you from finding love with the right man.

#1 – You keep dating the same type of men whether or not your type works for you

As humans, we are hard-wired to seek out comfort, and in dating, that means coming back to the same type of man over and over again.

But if you look at the men you’ve dated in the past, it’s likely you’ll see that what feels comfortable might not be working for you when it comes to choosing a man who is relationship worthy.

When you think of the men you’ve dated or married, do you find a common theme for why things didn’t work?

Maybe it was something in their personality like they were emotionally unavailable or they didn’t share your values or they had a deal breaker????

The men Anne had always chosen were smart, which totally stimulated her mind but not necessarily her body and soul.

She never realized she was missing all 3 connections in every past relationship until she took a step back and recognized the patterns of men she was always attracted to.

Her Quality Man Template helped her get clear on her old type so she could stop the pattern of choosing the wrong men and allowed her to open up to a new type that turned out to be a better match for her.

#2 – Asking yourself “Is he my type?” on a first date 

Once you find the rare guy online you think might fit your ideal type, what happens is you get overly invested in whether or not you can even get a first date with him.

A lot is riding on this because you think there are so few good guys out there who are your type to date . . . so you have to make this one work.

You go on a meet and greet and you spend the time interviewing him for the job of being your next boyfriend or mate.

Instead of spending time getting to know someone new and interesting, you’re busy checking off the qualities he must have that are sitting on an imaginary “is he my type checklist” you’ve created in your mind.

Men can feel your frantic, nervous energy and it’s a huge turn off to them.

Instead, go on a date with the intention of meeting someone new and interesting.

It takes a lot of pressure off and makes dating fun versus a task on your to do list.

#3 – It might take going outside of your comfort zone to find a great guy

To find happiness and contentment, you want to explore going outside your comfort zone by dating a different type of man than you’re used to going out with.

Tonight, when you are browsing your favorite dating sites, take a look at 5 men you passed up in the past because they did not fit your usual type.

This can include men who contacted you . . . but you wrote off, saying, “He’s not my type.”

Give yourself the opportunity to revisit them and see if there is anything that might now appear interesting to you.

You may find yourself resisting these new types of men, feeling a strong urge to go back to the kind of man that you were always comfortable with.

But keep in mind if your type worked, you’d be with him today

Instead, give yourself permission to feel uncomfortable and respond to one of these men you may have previously crossed off your list.

Anne may never have experienced the kind of happiness, compatibility and love with a man had she caved into her fears about being out of her comfort zone.

And I hear the same thing from former clients all the time when they find relationships that make them really happy.

I’d love to see you find what Anne found – a great Quality Man to be with.

So get yourself online and look at all types of men to date.

The worst that can happen is you have a coffee date that goes nowhere or you find a new friend to hang with when you don’t have a Saturday night date.

But the best may happen too!

Maybe you’ll find exactly what you’ve been looking for but might never have tried if you had stuck with your usual type.

I love sharing tips with you every week about dating over 50.

I hope you’re going out and using what you’re learning in your own dating life.

Sometimes, tips aren’t enough and you need support personalized to what’s happening in your dating life.

If this is you, I’d love to help you.

Let’s set up a time to talk about what’s happening and how we can get you to where you want to be. Ok?

All you have to do is click here and I’ll send you the details for how we can connect.

My Guy is EVERYTHING I’ve Wanted!

Thank you, Lisa, for your guidance and support in your Love after 50 Group Program. I’ve been dating a wonderful man I met in a Facebook singles group. He’s everything I’ve wanted in a partner and more! Plus he checks off everything on My Quality Man Template. Just today, he delivered food and medicine to my front porch as I have a mild case of COVID. He also volunteered to deliver an at home test he had to a friend of mine who takes care of her 75 year old father. It’s been a wonderful experience and one that I have not had since I was divorced in 1997. Keep the faith ladies! He’s out there! Debbie, Georgia

Believing in you!!!



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