How to Use Rose Petals for a Romantic Date Night

How to Use Rose Petals for a Romantic Date Night


How to Make a Romantic Date Night Using rose petals

Rose petals are one of those things we KNOW signal romance, but other than throwing them on the ground at a wedding, what do we do with them? We’ve designed an entire date around the sweet and romantic flower petal that we think you are going to LOVE. Not only would this make the ultimate Valentine’s Day date, it also brings the romance any time of year!

Roses, rose petals, and our free printable date night invite make for a perfect and romantic evening | The Dating Divas
Couple kisses on a bed with rose petals and our free date night invite.

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included printables

These adorable printables are totally free and include:

  1. A flower petal intimate invitation for your spouse
  2. A recipe card for making rose petal water
  3. 12 red rose petals with questions to ask each other
  4. 12 blank rose petals for you to write your own questions

how to use The rose petals

For this romantic night, you’ll definitely need some rose petals! We love these fake rose petals, but you can also search for “rose petals near me” or ask your closest flower shop if you prefer fresh ones. You could also use some dried roses. I love the idea of using dried roses from your wedding as a decoration for the night!

Then, you’re ready to start your night with dinner! Check out these At-Home Valentine’s Day Dinner Ideas for tons of romantic options for a tasty meal for two. Choose your favorite, then head back here for dessert!

dessert Conversation Activity

During or after dinner, pull out the cute printable flower petals. You can even mix them in with your real or fake rose petals around the table and take turns drawing them.

Each printable flower petals has a different question you can ask each other, designed to get you talking and bring you closer! Beforehand, you can write your questions, or set out some pens and write them during dinner.

Our free printable rose petal questions are perfect for bringing some extra communication and closeness to your romantic date night | The Dating Divas
Real roses with our free printable flower petal questions

cook with rose petals

Next, head to the stove, where you will make your own rose petal water together! The recipe (linked below) is quick and straightforward, and you don’t even have to let it cool because you’ll be adding it to a bath!

rose petal bath

Is there anything more romantic than flower petals in a bath? While you’re cooking, get a bath for two set up. Set the mood with tea lights, bubbles, and of course, sprinkle some rose petals on top of it all. A trail of rose petals to the bathroom is a nice touch, too.

Free printable date night invite with recipe card and questions for a romantic date night with rose petals | The Dating Divas
Printable invite and rose water recipe with question rose petals

Pop your rose petal water from the stove into the bath and then hop in yourself.

Rosewater has lots of benefits, including enhancing your mood and relieving headaches. Relax in the bath with your sweetie and continue reading rose petal questions, or just spend some time together.

date night step-by-step

So, to keep everything straight, here is how we recommend your night should go, but feel free to tweak it to fit your needs and desires!

  1. Have a romantic candlelit dinner at home.
  2. Ask each other the rose petal questions.
  3. Prepare rose water together.
  4. Add rose petal water to a bath and take a romantic bath together.
  5. Have a rose petal trails leading you back to the bedroom.

Remember to search “rose petals near me” to find deals on where to pick up the best roses in your area. You should also check out How To Use Rose Petals for Real Romance for more great ideas with your leftover rose petals.

Grab your free download by clicking below and get ready for a night full of romance and rose petals!

Free Download

Romantic Rose Petal Date

Printables Designed by Lucette Exclusively for The Dating Divas
