National Indigenous Peoples Day and Resources · Centre for Mindfulness Studies

National Indigenous Peoples Day and Resources · Centre for Mindfulness Studies


June 21 is known as National Indigenous Peoples Day, which falls under June’s National Indigenous History Month.

During this time, we collectively recognize and celebrate the heritage, diversity and significant contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.

Here at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies, we acknowledge the generational impacts of colonial violence and the systemic failures that continue to happen. We stand in solidarity with Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation and all Indigenous communities who are suffering with the devastating discovery. We grieve alongside our communities for the children found, and many more not yet discovered. As settlers, it’s important for all Canadians to understand the magnitude of the truth of this experience. We will continue to do the work of supporting Indigenous communities and are committed to the work of advancing truth and reconciliation. 

While we’re working to deepen our understanding of Indigenous histories and ongoing contemporary injustices we have compiled a list of resources to share with our community.  

