PNT Teacher Standards – Dr. Rick Hanson

PNT Teacher Standards - Dr. Rick Hanson


To ensure the highest quality of teaching of the Positive Neuroplasticity Training, its Teachers are expected to meet these standards:


  • Have taken the PNT and related Professional Course (or the equivalent, such as my recent four day training through Arbor Seminaire), and read Hardwiring Happiness
  • Significant practice of mindfulness, compassion, and cultivation
  • High integrity, conscientiousness, and resourcefulness
  • Respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Able to receive feedback and work well in a group


  • Regular use of the HEAL methods, even implicitly, in their work
  • Skills and experience as a teacher of personal growth programs
  • While the PNT is not a treatment for any condition, it can engage sensitive psychological material, so teachers need to have a background in psychotherapy, coaching, or the equivalent
  • A platform and connections that foster success in successfully enrolling the PNT


  • Teach one more PNT’s a year
  • Regular attendance in at least two out of the four quarterly meetings
  • Use participant evaluations of the PNT’s they teach that are also made available to me for review
  • Send in a brief annual report indicating the number of PNT’s taught, the number of participants, and the typical fee for attendance
  • Understanding that I can “de-authorize” an individual who does not meet the criteria for continuing membership in the Teachers group
