What You Don’t Know About Men That Could Be Messing Up Your Over 50’s Dating Life

a crowd of men



Before we get to today’s blog, I wanted to share an interesting free event coming up called Empowered Women in Love that I’m doing along with my collegue/friend Kate Houston and a great group of other experts you might want to check out.

Some of the things you’ll discover during this event are how to  . . .

  • Overcome the fear of losing yourself in a relationship again by reinventing and recommitting to your relationship with yourself.
  • Learn to identify, maintain and communicate your standards as a high quality woman without fear and be adored for your honesty.
  • Finally understand why you feel anxious in love and how to once and for all let go of the fear of being abandoned or rejected in relationships and stand strong in who you are instead.
  • And so much more!

During this series you’ll hear real-life experts prove you can end all the worry and confusion and create a deep connection with the one person who will love you for ALL that you are -YOU. You can check it out by clicking here.

Moving on to today’s blog . .  .

a crowd of menLong before I was a dating coach, a friend and I would joke and laugh about meeting Mr. Right.

We thought that what we were probably looking for was really a woman’s personality in a man’s body. 

Back then, I didn’t know how true our little joke was.

As a woman, you go out into the dating world,  looking for a man who will be your best friend, right?

But men’s idea of being your best friend is different than your ideas might be and that’s why I want to share  a couple of secrets about both men and women that can totally change your future dating and relationship life.

As a woman, you need to be able to verbally share your life with someone.

You literally must have a place to dump what you are feeling. 

Otherwise, you start feeling overloaded and overwhelmed with life.

Once you get the emotions out, you feel like a new person and life seems brighter.

And the person you want to release these emotions to is . . . THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE.

And when you do . . . what often happens?

You get frustrated because you want him to listen and all he seems to want to do is fix the problem for you. 

But, in your mind you don’t need it fixed.

You just want to be heard and acknowledged because that’s what makes you feel better.

You see men are wired to fix whatever they can for you so you’ll feel safe and protected.

When you process your day with a man, you’re telling him lots of different stories and he can’t figure out which one he’s supposed to fix to make you feel better.

So his eyes glaze over and he tunes you out, which drives you crazy.

Then you get mad.

Here’s how to change that whole scenario.

When you need to share a story, here’s what you want to say to a man…

Could you do me a favor? I just need 5 minutes to share something with you that’s important to me. Nothing needs fixing but I sure appreciate you just listening.

This is so easy and simple.

You’ll feel so much better getting it all out and the man in your life will feel like you’re hero supporting you in the way you need it.

One more quick tip about men.

One of the most important things for a man is that a woman allows him to feel like the man he is.

When you do, a man feels empowered and this feeling makes him want to step up and be all he can be for you.

Bringing out the best in a man is easy.

What he really wants from you is your acceptance, admiration and approval of who he is, your appreciation for what he does for you, your respect for how he runs his life and your encouragement to keep doing it.

Criticizing and trying to change a man to be someone he is not brings out the absolute worst in him.

He feels rejected, manipulated and controlled by you.

And when he won’t change, you start thinking maybe it’s because he doesn’t love you.

The secret to dating and being in a relationship with a man is to accept him for who he is.

If you find yourself thinking you can change him and make him who you want him to be, DON’T DO IT!

It totally emasculates men.

Instead just move on.

Helping women understanding men is a passion for me because I’ve seen the difference it can make in women’s lives – both personally and in business.

Men literally fall over themselves to make you happy if they think you understand them.

So use these tips and let me know how they work for you.

Believing in you!



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