9 Cute Car Date Ideas for a Great Date

Couple holding hands while using cute car date ideas


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Are you looking for a great date idea that keeps you and yours out of the house, yet away from the crowds? How about something that gives you the perfect opportunity to spend time together, just the two of you, while still being technically “out” and about? 

If this sounds like exactly what you’re looking for, then you will love these cute car date ideas!

There are plenty of ideas for a cute car date out there to choose from, so Beep Beep, here come 9 of the top car date ideas for a great date!

Watch the Sunset Together

Couple holding hands while using cute car date ideas

Technically, you could also watch the sunrise, but that might be an entirely different kind of date! Make up a picnic basket or grab your favorite takeout (don’t forget the beverages!) and head to a spot where you and your date can have a great, unobstructed view of the sun as it sets for the night. Watching the sunset is always a romantic choice, just remember to clean the windshield beforehand!

Perk up with Coffee and a Chat

Plan a cute coffee car date by picking up your favorite coffee to go, then head to a place that’s got some great scenery to chat and sip your java! Could be your local park in front of some lovely flowering bushes, a pond that’s got ducks and geese, or even just downtown in your city where you and your date can sip on coffee and people watch; bonus points if you put some thought into the soundtrack of your date! Be sure to bring some nice snacks that go along well with coffee… chocolate-covered espresso beans, anyone??

Go to a Drive-In

Couple enjoying a drive in movie together

Drive-In Movies are so much fun and kind of the OG cute car date! There has been a great resurgence in drive-in movies over the last several years, but not everyone is fortunate enough to live near a cool drive-in, so if that’s the case for you, create your own! Pick up your own projector (this one on Amazon gets great reviews!), pop some popcorn, and head to a dark outdoor space to get the full car date drive-in experience. Bring a blanket to snuggle under for maximum coziness during the movie!

Drive Down Memory Lane

This one works best if you both are from your town, but the fun here is that you and your date can get to know each other even better by driving around your town and sharing stories and memories. “That was the park where I broke my ankle when I was 10, I was trying to impress my friends by…” type of stories are always a great way to get greater insight into who the other person is, and what better way to narrate a story than to be able to illustrate in real-time, right? Pack fun car snacks to enjoy while you two take each other down memory lane!

Stop and Stargaze

Okay, so this one will probably be best if you actually get out of the car, but find a spot far enough away on a clear night (check a stargazing forecast!), and set-up can be as simple as a blanket to sit on (or snuggle up under!) or as involved as buying a couple of portable hammock chairs; they even make luxury stargazing chairs if you’d like to get a little bougie about it! Pack a picnic basket or pick up your favorite take-out on the way out and sit back with your date and enjoy the show! (Don’t forget the bug spray!)

Game On!

Couple smiling at each other on a car date

You can play a traditional “road trip game” like the license plate game, but with a twist that transforms it into a cute car date idea; classify license plates into different question categories, like maybe every time you see a plate from X state, you both get to ask each other a naughty question, or every time you see a plate that begins with a certain letter, you have to give one fact about yourself. Be creative and design a personalized template that is perfect for the two of you! Remember the refreshments; milkshakes from a drive-through would make this car date idea even more fun!

Podcast it Up

Here’s a car date idea that has all kinds of potential! Pick up your favorite beverages and car snacks and cruise around while listening to the podcast of your choosing. There are so many great podcasts to listen to, so put a few options on the list including comedy, interviews, personal development, true crime, etc, and get feedback from your date on their interests. Maybe you’ll learn you both have a True Crime obsession! Now you’ll have lots to text about after the car date, too; someone’s gotta help you rehash the details of the crime…

Carpool Karaoke Date

If you and your date love to sing, set up your own version of Carpool Karaoke! Turn it into a getting-to-know-you-more kind of game, taking turns picking a song that is meaningful to you and explaining what it is about it you love either before or after you belt out the lyrics. It doesn’t need to be a sing-along to just be a kind of “you share, I share” experience with each person picking songs to share that they love. You’ll learn a lot about each other and have a blast while doing it!

Get a Little Handsy

Couple kissing on a car date

This one is definitely geared more towards those that are a) a little adventurous and b) in a comfortable, intimate relationship, but if you and yours are looking to spice things up a bit, then consider parking somewhere for a fun little makeout session! Obviously, you don’t want to do be doing anything in public that will land you both in hot water if you were to get caught, but parking in a secluded corner somewhere to smooch a little will have you both giggling like it’s high school all over again!

There are so many unique date ideas for those that like to think outside of the box! Whether it’s a Valentine’s Day date, a Christmas date, a long-distance date, or something else entirely, just remember the most important part of any date you go on: a genuine interest in spending quality time with the person you’re out with. Check that box and you’ll do just fine!

These ideas for car dates are just the jumping-off point; make it your own by tailoring it to you and your date. Have fun on your cute car date!


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